A Walk On A Lonely Road

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A/N: Quick thing before you begin. They're in Asia traveling on the Silk Road. This was a World Studies assignment, so obviously they will be speaking English, than their original language. I was thinking about expanding on the story, and making this the prologue. Please vote and comment. I'd like to know if I should expand on this. Thanks, enjoy.


We've stopped again, in Kashgar I believe, for supplies this time. Apparently something, or someone, had destroyed a week's worth of goods. It's a waste of food. I've always been a bit stingy from what I can tell after these few days.

I don't remember. Anything. I don't know my name, where I came from, how I got here, or anything further than the past few days I've been captured. I don't even know how I look. All I do remember, was waking up in a cage. I felt a pain in my head, due to a gash just above my left eyebrow. I screamed to be let out, but all my efforts were in vain.

There's about twelve men. All ranging in height, weight, age, color. At first I was the only girl. Meaning I got attention, but not the kind that anyone would want. It started the minute I woke up. I didn't understand at first. And then it hit me. I was property. Nothing more, nothing less, I was property to be sold, but until then I would be put to work. I was clean for them, make food for them, "entertain" them. They're never sober when they do it. I should be thankful that they barley drink. But I'm not. Because I know. They can't touch me without alcohol in their system, because they think so low of me. They can't stand the idea of being with me of their own will. So they drink. To blame the alcohol for touching me. If they were at least sober, then I would have a bit of pride knowing that it was I that intrigued them, not their blurry mind. Everyone would think even lower of me if they knew I thought like this. I shouldn't care so much about why they do it, but the fact they do. I can't help it though.

I look around at the other cages, there's six in total. Only two are occupied right now. They picked up three other girls since our last planned stop. Two of them died within the last day. The only one left is a small girl. She looks about five years old. She is pale, skinny, and is quite small. She has straight black hair and hazel eyes. Her eyes squint slightly, showing she surely was born somewhere in this area.

"Get out," ordered a man in a gruff voice. He pulled out the little girl by her hair. Her screams penetrate the wagon. I wince and follow the man. He throws her on the ground in mud. Her dress gets drenched and she looks up ,all puffy eyed, and I can't help but pity her. She's too young to be here. She should be with her family. I run to her and help her up.

"It's okay, it's okay," I say in a soothing voice. I'm quite stunned to see that I don't have the same accent as the others. It's different and judging by the way the men look at me it's safe to say I'm not from this country.

"Go to that pond and clean yourselves up. After you're done put on these clothes." says one of the men while handing me a bag filled with clothes for me and the girl. Two of the men escort us to the pond. In the distance I see a trading center. I wash the girl's tear stained face gently.

"What's your name sweetheart?' I question quietly so they don't hear.

"Lee, Kim Lee," she says in a trembling voice.

"What a pretty name, for a pretty girl. Here you're all done." I hand her her clothes and begin to wash myself. After I've finished, I walk over to her. I tie a ribbon I found in the bag in her hair. She looks so innocent. Her hair is done up in a red ribbon. She has on tattered white and pink dress with some barley noticeable stains.

"Let's go," says a man pointing the tip of the sword at Kim. Instinctively, I shield her and usher use both in the direction he pointed us in. They set up camp a few miles away from the trading center. When we finally get there, Kim and I are soaked in sweat. A kind passerby hands me a cloth to wipe me face. I do so and also with Kim. I look around and see quite a variety of goods. I see exotic birds, fruit, silk and fish. I would love to explore, but the men lead us to a different area of the trading center. Here it isn't so lively. There's a sense of dread in the air. It smells of dead and malnourished bodies. There are people tied together. Only one thing comes to my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2013 ⏰

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