Chapter 1

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"Common sanyukta ; you can't miss the party ; get ready fast" krittika chipped while putting on her make up ; whereas Sanyukta kept declining her.
"See i don't even have a proper dress to wear" sanyukta tried one more excuse to skip the party as she was seriously not feeling well.
"Ohh just that much?" Sanaya interrupted their conversation as a cunning idea came running in her tiny brain.
"Yes" sanyukta shrugged.
"Wait "sanaya ran to the cupboard and purposefully grabbed a sweetheart neckline singlet top which was red and white in colour and a short black jeans short.
"See this will fit you" sanaya smiled her best and handed them to sanyukta.
"I can't wear these" sanyukta looked at the dress and was shocked that someone actually wore these kind off revealing dresses.
"You have my swear sanyukta" sanaya pouted woth her extremely thin lips ;which made krittika chuckle a little.
"I haven't even waxed sanaya" sanyukta tried her luck one last time.
"Common i have got all the stuff in the bathroom ; you can use the new packet of veet there" sanaya smiled and tried pulling sanyukta to the bathroom.
"Sanaya listen you wear this ; and ill wear the one you are wearing" sanyukta pointed out at her outfit ; it was a simple white long top underneath a blue short ;which was not visible to normal human eyes.
"I mean ill wear a jeans over it" sanyukta made a puppy face.
Sanaya left her hand and pulled her top from her body and thats when sanyukta realised that sanaya was wearing a bikini top under the top.
"So if you wear this top ; you even need to wear the bikini" sanaya smirked and sanyukta grabbed the clothes from sanayas hand and rushed to the bathroom.
"We will meet you outside sanyukta" sanyukta heard krittikas voice as she and sanaya both left.
Sanyukta quickly removed all her body hair and bathed in His favourite body wash and shampoo ; yes she still used that same body wash that he used to love.
While wiping herself with a towel she noticed a few blood drops on the ground and she sighed ; first pool party ; then this short dress and now periods.
"I'll cancel the plan" she muttered ; that's when she heard someone entering the room.
She peeped a little out of the bathroom and saw sanaya coming back in the room; sanyukta drapped the towel after cleaning herself again and went out with the clothes and kept them on the bed near sanaya.
"I umm can't come" sanyukta shrugged and sanaya looked at her with a weird look.
"What ? Why?" She made a puppy face.
"I got my chums" sanyukta shrugged.
"Ohh common ; don't tell me you are from those coward girls who get scared to go out durning periods" sanaya smirked as she knew she had pressed the right points to encourage sanyukta.
"Of course not ; i am not weak ; ill come" sanyukta being herself snapped back angrily and went in the bathroom with her clothes to change again.
Ofcourse she was not a coward like others and she loved challenges and this was also a challenge.
After wearing the tiny clothes sanaya had given her ; she came out to see that sanaya was gone; doing her light make up and curling her hair a little she wore her black stilettos and nervously left the room ; unknown to what was going to happen in the party.


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