Chapter 1: savior.

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The snows of Bruma covered the dark stone ground in a bright white sheet that spread over the whole city. The blizzards were even worse today then they normally were and the temperature was so low that even the heartiest of Nords were forced to stay inside and wrap themselves in fur. The entire city was in this state and the streets were completely empty even the beggars had found places to stay away from the weather as the innkeepers were kind enough to let them in, all but one child. A small imperial child somewhere around 7 was huddled in a ball near a small crackling fire that he'd made nearby the main gate of the city. The innkeepers had not allowed the boy in because of very alarming rumors of the child having been branded by some dark force and was soon to be taken away... Little did they know the rumors were all true. Even the child himself had no idea as a single figure, clad in a dark pitch black robe stood, watching the child from atop a building the figure had climbed. The figure under the dark robe and hood was a handsome, dark skinned, imperial with his hair tied in a pony tail beneath his hood and a pair of dark green eyes that could see right through the lesser people of the world. This man was Lucian Lachance a member of the Dark Brotherhood and one of the nails of the black hand. Lucien stared down at the child with a feeling of remorse, he'd hated seeing children in pain or ostracized and felt a pang of remorse in his chest for the young boy.

The child curled up more to try and get warmer, he had little protection from the weather as he had no furs and just a set of ragged clothing with holes and tears in it to the point it'd be more useful as a washcloth then actual clothes. The child shut his eyes gently thinking silently to himself 'Everything will be okay in the morning... The sun'll be out then.' This offered little comfort to him but it was comfort nontheless and comfort was something the cold boy needed. Then... Unexplainably the air grew colder, not as if it was through the snow and ice... Something colder, something that felt evil yet in a way the child couldn't describe... Comforting. The boy opened his eyes and he saw a shadow looming over him and the bottom of what appeared to be a robe. The boy looked up slowly taking in the sight of the figure above him taking in the evil yet strangely comforting look on the man's face "You sleep rather unsoundly do you not child?" The man's cold, deep voice asked. The voice sounded like the voice of a psychopath or a murderer but this man appeared to be completely sane despite the look on his face the child was snapped into reality again as the man looked confused. The child realized now that he'd been silent for multiple minutes just taking in the shock "You prefer silence then?" The man asked "As do i dear child, as do I. For is silence not the orchestration... Of Sithis himself?" Now it was the child's turn to be confused a flood of questions filled his head such as who was Sithis, what did the man want with him, and why was the man dressed as he was.
"Ironic then that I come to you as a speaker of the dark brotherhood to offer you something." The man said smiling a cruel smile making the child wince a bit "I come to offer you something child... A home." The child's eyes widened in surprise even more and he finally spoke, his voice came out as a whimper "A... Home?"

The robed mans smile shifted from a menacing one to one that seemed to bear reassurance for the child. "Yes my child. A home. One safe where you can have a family." The cold voice Carried a gentle tone to it, one that sounded less like a murderous voice and more like a fatherly voice.

The child quivered in a mix of fear and excitement. He didn't know who the hell the man was but... No matter what happened it'd be better then freezing to death out here where his body would just be burned or tossed in the dungeons to save space on the streets. The child slowly spoken "W-What's your name first?" The child asked as the cloaked man smiled under his hood "Lucien. Lucian Lechance." He said in the same slow voice that seemed to make the cold of the snow dulled in comparison.

"I believe I'm owed a name now child."

The child looked downwards before gulping a bit and looked back up at Lucian "My name is Alraïr sir."

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