I am living a beautiful dream
Dancing around on cloud nine
But I wonder
Will this dream end
If I were to open my eyes would
It all come to an end
and that is all it will ever amount to be
is a beautiful dream?
I wonder if I were to open my eyes will it
start a nightmare?
I wonder and I wander through this heaven
that I have created, holding my breath
for it all to disappear
And replace it with something old
and familiar to come back.
I wait for the hell that I use to live in to come back
and destroy my little bit of happiness
take it all away from me, like it
always does. I'm waiting for it
to remind me that I am the monster that hides
underneath little kids beds and waits for them to fall asleep
Where I can give them the nightmares that I myself experience.
No one can tell when their Heaven will become a Hell,
or when their Fantasy will become a Reality and
destroy everything in its wake.
If that is true then I never want to open my eyes to the pain of reality.
I want to keep experiencing this feeling and I don't
want to ever come back down to Earth from this Heaven.