XD why must this happen?!?

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I had a dream of me about to eat a chocolate bunny (don't ask why idk) then I threw up in my dream and then I woke up in 4 something in the morning (when I woke up i didn't know what time it was...) I thought it was one in the morning but I went to the bathroom about to brush my hair again. Then my stomach started to hurt and felt like throwing up. I grabbed the puking bucket (it always clean cause no had threw up in 5 months until now xD) and of course puked. I went to my mom and dad's bedroom and told them i puked... My mom went up to me and felt my head not a fever but she let me stay home! This is why I don't finish my dad's taco salad on a Tuesday xD yes taco Tuesday. I thank my dreams for kinda warning me. But I also feel like puking when I eat chocolate well certain ones. I can have Hershey kisses and any white chocolate and I can eat other chocolate things but it depends on my stomach.

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