Waking Up To See Your Face

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A story of young, long time lovers having the summer of their lives together.

Amelia & Shaun have been together since she's been in the seventh grade & he's been in the eighth. They started out as friends then bestfriends then lovers then enemies then back again. They broke up a lot of times in between, 3 to be exact but they found their way in the fourth time they got together & never left each others sight ever again. In the long run, they've had their fights, quarrels, the typical things that couples experience when they've been together for a long time. This started when Amelia transferred schools in the ninth grade. It was a sad part of their relationship that started to really flourish during that period. She didn't want to leave & they worried about finding other people or drifting apart. It was also the best part in their relationship because it's what made them become even stronger & closer. They talked more often, met up more frequent. They even planned on getting promise rings to always remind them about one another. So one day, they went out after school to the mall and got themselves necklaces with each others names on it instead. He has her name & she has his. Their names appear clearly on a metal heart pendant so people can easily identify that they are together. It was one of the greatest moments of their lives where they really put in a lot of effort in preserving their love & showing each other how much they mean to one another, symbolising their loyalty. Even during that time, Amelia changed a lot. She was known as the people pleaser, someone good with making new friends, that pretty friendly girl who was always mistaken as a big flirt because she had many guy friends. So she gave up socialising & going out with people to show how much Somon meant to her at that time & that he was enough for her. It was almost too good to be true for them. It was actually. After two whole weeks of going out, Amelia's mom came to know that she was with Shaun. Amelia was pretty young that time, 13 & Shaun was 15. It wasn't such a huge difference but it was a big deal to her mom. She started to question about him after a party they went to and Amelia was alone in the car with Shaun & at a school event that she caught them talking to each other. Her mom told her to break everything off with him but she didn't listen. She was glad she didn't because she would have never known how much happier she'd be with him around till this day. Shaun on the other hand, he never really talked about his parents being okay with him having a girlfriend. I'm guessing they were, but every time Amelia would ask about going to his house, he'd always say no. They had a good and long 8 years together, they made it through highschool & part of college together since Shaun & her decided to go to the same school after he graduated and to study in the same college too. Now, Amelia is 19 & living in her accommodation at her college, & Shaun is 21, living in his own villa. They are studying the same course & they wish to work in the same airline & live together one day. They don't go out a lot anymore since they are both busy with school & work but they talk almost everyday. Enough about them now, I guess you already know enough. Back to the story.

Chapter 1

The Wake-up Call

Look at her sleeping. She must be having one of those dreams again. That smile, it's because of him. You can tell she misses him so much, hugging that pillow so tightly between her arms & legs. It's been almost a month now that they haven't seem each other. Well she doesn't know what's coming her way today.

*phone rings* 'H-Hello?' "Guess who." 'Baby? Is that you?' "Haha, yes it is. Good morning baby. How are you? I miss you.' "Well you woke me up from an amazing dream & it's 5 in the morning, how should I be? I miss you too. How've you been? You never call, this is very unusual for you' "Oh, I'm sorry, but I meant to do that. I'd be better if you were here sooner." 'There sooner? What?' "Baby, listen to me okay. I want you to get up, get ready, pack a few things for a little trip & head down your place at 8 sharp." 'Huh, why? What should I bring? What should I wear? Where are we going?' "Bring clothes good for, lets say a months stay, bring your undies, bras, sexiest clothes, pyjamas, bring everything with you. I want you to wear someone beautiful & look beautiful. Trust me, just do what I say." 'Hmmm, casual or formal?' "Really? Just wear something nice that you're comfortable with" 'Okay okay. But where are we going?' "It's a surprise." 'Why can't you just tell me now so I won't be over or under dressed?' "Okay fine. We're going back to my house because you're spending the holiday with me." 'Just you & me?' "Yes, me & you. We can do whatever we want. I'll make sure you enjoy your stay" 'Okay baby. I'm gonna go get ready now. I love you, bye!' "I love you too ba-, hello? Hello?" 'EEEEEP!'

She put the phone down & jumped out of bed as fast as she could. She opened the bedroom lights then ran out the room. 'What do I need, what do I need..... Wait, why am I packing now, I should take a shower first. It'll take time to fix my hair.' Grabbing a towel, she jolted to the bathroom & took a long, long bath.

*in the shower, looking into the mirror*

'🎶I got a bad boy, I must admit it. You got my heart, don't know how you did it. And I don't care who sees it, babe. I don't wanna hide the way I feel when you're next to me. I love the way you make me feel. I love the way, I love it. Baby, I love the way you make me feel.

Ooh, I love the way, I love it. The way you love me!🎶'

Amelia was one of those girls of many talents, she could sing, dance, she was very smart, wise, everything a guy could ask for. The goofy but sweet girlfriend. She was a catch. Every guy wanted her, but she was too into Shaun that she forgot about the whole world when she was with him. Shaun was one of those guys who started from zero & slowly made a name for himself through the years. He was good looking, fit, kind, funny & sweet. He was athletic & very popular for his skills in football. That's the only talent he has though but atleast he was great at it. He got handsomer as he grew, more girls started to want him, but he was contented with having Amelia because to him, she was perfect. They were inseparable. They worked so well with each other, it was almost as if they were still just bestfriends. 6 years together, imagine that. Oops, got out of track of the story.

Ruffling a towel over her head, Amelia walked out of the toilet soaking wet in her robe. 'Okay, I gotta first pick out my clothes, the ones I'm gonna wear then fix my hair & I'll be on my way out the door.' She was very excited. She pulled open her closet, unravelling a beautiful wardrobe with pretty dresses in all colours & styles. She was a very fashionable girl & loved to dress up. With her tiny yet fast hands, she grabbed everything & put it on the ground. Gently but speedily folding them & setting them aside. She opened her closet drawers where he home clothes & pjs were. She took out a few shorts, tanks, sweaters, tubes, sets of sleepwear & her secret lingerie costume. Afterwards, Amelia grabbed a big blue bag from the top of her closet & carefully placed her clothes inside. 'I guess that's enough. OH. I forgot underwear & socks. How can I be so stupid? Ugh, better hurry!' She forcefully pulled out her underwear drawer, taking it out completely from it's compartment. Her hand stretched out & cautiously selected her undies thus picking the ones that would please Shaun. Her bag was dispatched perfectly & she proceeded to prepare herself. She picked out her favourite bra & thongs, choosing to go casual by wearing shorts & a simple blouse. She's not fond of going all out in clothing but she always looked beautiful no matter how she dressed. Amelia was born with curly hair therefore she irons her hair everyday. Starting out with blow drying, she then straightens. She had long, wavy jet black hair. Amelia loved to dye her hair all sorts of colours back then. Brown, blonde, red even pink. Her hair was beautiful, framing her bold face shape & jawline. After a matter of minutes, she was able to finish mending her hair. Amelia is of a Filipino, Spanish, Arab & Indian decent. Her mother was a Filipino of Spanish decent & her father was a Saudian with Indian decent. And so her skin was a beautifully tan, her eyes were big & brown, with long lashes, lips pink & full. She was stunningly beautiful. She didn't go with make up. Amelia grab her shoes & her things then headed down stairs.

To be continued.....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2013 ⏰

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