Sam, the archer, grasps firmly on the wooden bow. Already loaded with a steel tipped arrow she pulls back the taught string with his right hand. There he waits for the prey to appear in position as the sound of wind whiffs through his ears. The unknowing deer raises its head from the ground and starts to tread forward, slowly coming into view from behind the tree. WHOOSH! The arrow glides graciously through the forest and punctures the suspect with a loud thud. Sam hops over the boulder she was hiding behind, and runs toward the game. There she lays her eyes upon the dying deer. But there was something wrong.. It wasn't bleeding.
Mystery / ThrillerRepercussions is a story set in the near future, after a major world war between United States and Syria. The few that survived the massacre of bombs have had to start life all over again. But something strange is going on in their dystopian lives.