My name is Amanda Todd

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  • Dedicated to Amanda Todd

Ever been bullyed?Or ever bullied someone?I will tell you about a girl named Amanda Todd.

This is what she said:


I've decided to tell you about my never ending story

In 7th Grade i would go with friends on Webcam

Then got called stunning, Beautiful, Perfect etc

Then wanted me to Flash

So i did a year later

Knock at my door at 4PM

It was the Police... My photo was sent to everyone

A year past and they guy came back with my new

List of friends and School. But made a Facebook page

My Boobs were his Profile Pic....

Cried every night, Lost all my friends and respect

Didn't have any friends and i sat at lunch alone

So i moved schools again....

After a month later i started talking to a old guy friend

Then he said come over to my Gf's for Vacation

He hooked up with me

His girlfriend and 15 others came including hiself...

So she did... She threw me to the ground and punched me several times

Teacher ran over but i just went and layed in a Ditch and my Dad found me.

I wanted to die so bad.. When he brought me home i drank bleach...

6 Months have gone by... People are posting Pics of Bleach, Clorx and ditches

They said i hope she sees this and kills herself...

Why do i get this? I messed up but why follow me

Im stuck... Whats left of me now.. Nothing stops

I have nobody... I need someone :(

My name is Amanda Todd.... 

And I was bullied into death

After the video the images are shown:

Her arm next to a knife and 21 Scratchs are shown on her arm.

And her arm has a tatto of the words "I hate myself"

A month after the Video went up Amanda Todd killed herself

Please think before doing things... Or something will go wrong,

Like causing death to innocent people. :(


                     Amanda Todd

November 27 1996 - October 10 2012

My name is Amanda ToddWhere stories live. Discover now