Hetalia X Reader

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A(hair color)haired girl entered inside an antique shop.The smell of old notebooks filled her nose.

The antique shop was spacey even though it is full of old things stacked or placed neatly at their places.

"Hello there,"a lady greeted her kindly with a smile."How can I help you?"

"Uhm..."she roamed her eyes around the room until it dropped to a dusty,old-looking piano.

"Can i...play that..?"

The old lady owner widened her eyes.

"U-uh!!!"(Y/n)blushed and looked down at her feet."If it's okay,that is...i-i won't force you-"

The woman grinned.

"No,it's actually fine."She grabbed (Y/n)to the stool and happily clamped her hands together.

"Nobody I know plays the piano here,so I wanted to hear it."

(Y/n)shyly nodded and placed her fingers on top of the keys.

She started to play one of her favorite pieces,Nocturne Op.9 No.2 by Chopin,like an expert and she closed her eyes,along with the woman's, indulging the melody.

After a few dramatic minutes or so,(Y/n)released a contented sigh as she finished the song.

The owner clapped in glee,grinning ear to ear.

"My,that was great!You took lessons?"

(Y/n) slowly shook her head.

"No,I learned to play by myself.I don't read notes because I don't know how to,but when I wanted to learn a song I listen to it carefully and tune it out."

"A talented girl you are!"A customer in the shop gawked."So are you gonna buy it?"

(Y/n)froze,and she hung her head low in depression.

"I wish,"she mumbled quietly."But I don't have the money."

The people inside the shop pitied her.But that is until the old lady owner smiled and pat her head.

"Let's have a deal,then.You will work for me as a pianist from now on,and after a month you could send it home."

(Y/n)'s face lit up,and she glomped the lady in response.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou so much!"


"Really!?That antique shop sells cheap stuffs!?"China exclaimed,shocked at what the waiter told him.

"Yes sir,it even gives a big deal of discount."

China slammed his hands at the table and stood up,alerting other people inside the restaurant.

"I need to go!"he was about to leave but the waiter tapped his shoulder.

"Sir...the bills."




China opened the door and stepped in the shop.

"Aiyah!This place is cute!"he gushed as he inspected every single bit of item that he can buy,then sell it afterwards in a bigger price.

"Good evening Sir,how can I help you?"A woman asked.

"Uh...I'm looking for an age-old peculiar item but still good to see and touch,aru."

China heard a piano playing,so he turned around to look for the source.

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