The Beginning of the End

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Hero...Blue Blur...Defender...Sonic. The hedgehog answered to all those names. He'd come so far from his beginning days fighting caterkillers and crabmeats, up to the massive E-Series and larger.

The early morning air was chilly and blowing by him as he stood on the top of a building, his eyes closed as he listened to the roar of the city below.

That sound didn't last very long, however. It was replaced with a more frightening sound...explosions.

He opened his eyes sharply, watching as the city suddenly burst into flame, bombs detonating in four individual places. Big bombs. "What in the name of chaos...!?"

He launched from the buildings, dashing through shocked civilians until he reached the nearest site.

The buildings were ablaze, pieces of debris tumbling down from broken windows and balconies.
He dashed about, pulling civilians out of the way of debris and into a safer area. Terror was radiating from everywhere, and Sonic could feel it seeping into his chest, but he forced it down.

Even with his assistance, there was so much much destruction.

Once GUN arrived on the scene, he moved on the next site. It seemed like they only got worse with each location.

He was pulling a couple from the rubble of a store when his communicator buzzed. "Tails, you okay?"

I-I'm fine... Tails stammered. But the bombings-

"I know. It's pretty bad out here."

Not just that. Sonic, it's not just here! These sorts of bombs went off in major cities all over the world, at the same time!

Sonic froze. "You mean...every city around the world is like this...!?" He closed his eyes tight. "Keep me informed, Tails. See if you can contact the others!"

He shook out of his shock. There were still millions of lives to be saved.

The smoky remains of the GUN building's upper levels were a disorganized mess. Officers pulled themselves from the wreckage of their offices and other rooms. If the lower levels had been hit so hard, the floors would've collapsed on each other, taking even more lives.

Agent Shadow pushed hard, forcing a hole in the metal cage the beams had made around him. "Rrrraugh! Rouge...! Omega...!" He hissed, finally pulling himself free and looking around the debris field left by the bombing. "The Commander...! Commander Tower!"

He'd been in the Commander's office for a briefing when it had happened, and he searched through the wreckage for his superior officer. "Commander Tower!?"


Shadow caught sight of Tower, pinned under a pile of rubble. "Commander...! Don't worry, sir, I'll get you-"

"N-No, Shadow..." He reached out a hand. "Don't worry about me... The men, they need some...someone to organize rescue protocol."

"Commander, I-"

"You swore to defend our planet...Do it, Shadow the Hedgehog."
Shadow saw a medal in the Commander's hand. "Show them this...they will know that I've to..."

Shadow took the pin, sliding onto his uniform. "I won't let you down, Tower...I swear."

"I know you won't..."

Shadow watched as the man relaxed, then turned away. He closed his eyes tightly, clenching a fist. "Eggman...!"

He then scrambled out of the room, finding officers and soldiers still capable of serving. "Men, the city needs us out there."

The agents saw the pin, then nodded slowly. "Put us where you want us, Commander."

Shadow nodded solemnly. I can do this...
He gave orders calmly, the officers obeying, no questions asked. Rescue, medical staff and security rushed out quickly, and Shadow nearly forgot about his missing comrades.


"Shadow, you're alright!" Rouge hurried towards him, hugging him around the arms and torso tightly. "I was so worried."

"I'm fine."

I will not hug you. Omega announced.

Shadow smirked, "No, but I do have a job for you...go to Tower's office and get him loose from the rubble. Rouge, get a hold of the rest of the Network while I check in on the other GUN bases worldwide. I need to know the damage..."

His teammates saluted, then took off towards their missions.

The air was filled with smoke and dust, preventing Blaze the cat from seeing the extent of the damage, but she did know she was trapped.
Pieces of concrete ceiling and beams of metal crisscrossed around her, forming a wall between her and the doors.

She shifted position, then felt another body next to her, and she remembered her partner. "Silver!"
She bent down, peering under at the hedgehog lying partially against a beam. His fur was dusty and clumped a little, but streaks of red ran down from his forehead and nose.

He'd tried to defend her from the explosion with his telekinesis, but it had clearly taken a toll on him. "Silver...!"

She pulled him into her arms, stroking his quills gently. She'd always had a liking for him, but never been able to express it correctly. Now he'd been hurt trying to defend her... "I'm so sorry..." She whispered.

"Don't be...!" Silver looked up at her through half-open eyes. "We need get outta here...!"

"How?" Blaze pointed to the debris. "You're hurt, and I can't risk burning a way out."

He sat up slowly. "I can still get us a path...!" His hands glowed, though flickering as he struggled to push the debris away from them.
The metal screeched as it scraped against the floor, and the parts not touching the floor gave ominous groans.

Finally, a path was cleared, and Silver powered down, his energy nearly spent.

Blaze helped him to his feet. "Come on...I think I heard rescue personnel outside."

Silver nodded, managing to keep his head up as they limped towards the door.
Even in his weakened state, Silver's eyes widened at the destruction outside that they'd practically avoided. "What the heck is going on here...!?"

"Silver!" Sonic dashed over, wrapping a blanket around them both. "Are you guys alright...?"

"I'll be fine..." Silver murmured. "...I just need to sit here for a little bit."
He and Blaze sat down on a mostly intact bench, Silver resting his head on her shoulder. "What happened out here...?"

Sonic's fists clenched as he looked down the street through narrowed eyes. "Eggman...!"

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