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Hi I'm snowflake light wood and I'm 15 years old I go west view highschool and have long black hair with blue in it and I'm kind and warm hearted so yea.

I was walking until I bumped into some one"omg I'm so sorry I should have watch were I was going please forgive me"
"its alright it was an accident no worries I'm Joe the way and you are snowflake"
"how do you know my name I'm not even that popular in this school"
'' well most boys in my class talk about how your pretty and my friend saw you and then I did and you are very pretty"
I blushed "why thank you your very kind where are you headed"
"oh my mom is picking me up so I should get going I'll see you around sometime"
"yea I guess you will"
"oh hey can I get your number so I can text you sometime"
we exchanged numbers and I got picked up and went home thinking about what happened today
At 5:30p.m.
hey raven it Joe u good?
yeah I'm fine u good
super so what do you want to talk about
how about why you name is snowflake
because I was born on a snowy day and snowflakes fell from the sky
aww so you were born in December
yes indeed December 14,2001
I'll make sure to get you something for your birthday
OK and when is yours
March 1,2000
alright and I'll get you a present
haha let me go I'll see you tomorrow baby girl
OK bye baby boy

after that I notice its 8:45 I went to take a shower and put on my PJs and pit my phone in the charger and went to sleep

"sweetie wake up its time for school" my mom said
"I'm up"
I went to the shower and put watermelon body wash on me I got out and put on a black crop top with a blue/black plaid shirt and white jeans and electric blue Jordan's
'' do I need make up yes or no yes or no no make maybe some mascara and lip gloss''
"sweetie your going to be late"
"I'm ready" grabbed my phone and bookbag then left
"have a good day honey"
"thanks mom bye"
I walked to my locker until hands was placed over my eyes
"guess who''
"Justin bieber"
"no maybe a babyboy"
"oh maybe its the cute guy I met yesterday what's his name Joe"
"ding ding ding hi snow need help with your book bag"
"no thanks I have it but what cha need"
"nothing just to say hi to my favorite gal in the world and maybe walk with me at lunch"
"I would love to take a walk with you and your pretty cool for a boy I met yesterday"
"thanks so ho-"
"Joe!!! hey I've been looking for you boyfriend"
"I'm not your boyfriend snowflake you remember April"
"of course hi April ill love to stay but I have to get to class bye"
"bye snow I'll see you at lunch okay"
"no problem bye"
I walked away to avoid April she is so annoying I don't like her and she don't like me so I don't sweat her.

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