My Chemical Romance's Funny Quotes.

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Mikey: One time, a guy told me that if I didn’t give him all my money that he was going to shoot everyone in this pizzeria. In which case, I grabbed my friend and ran out of the place. Another time, I was on my cellphone next to the venue, and some kid put a gun to my throat and was like, ‘Gimme all your money.’ I was like: ‘Dude, I don’t have any money.’ So, he just punched me in my throat.                                                                                                                    Frank: The weird thing about that is that both times you were wearing that T-shirt that said: ‘Please hold me up at gunpoint.’

Guy: "Have you read the new Ellen Degeneres book?"

Frank: "Yeah."

Guy: "What did you think?"

Frank: "Made me a lesbian. I only like girls now."

Guy: "I don't think I can handle that."

Frank: "You need to have an open mind my friend."

Fan: "Did you dress up for your Birthday/Halloween?" Frank: "Yes, I was a banana."

"My pants fell down at Warped Tour!"

-Gerard Way xD

Gerard - I want everyone raise your hands. Wave them back and forth. Now say ‘I suck at SkeeBall

Fan: You’re an arachnophobic, right?

Frank: Yes, kinda.

Fan: So what’s the deal with the spider on the album cover?

Frank: Well, y'know, the thing is, I’m afraid of scorpions too, and I’ve got a tattoo of that, so.. Anything that’s got a lot of creepy legs freaks me out. But the thing with the spider is, it’s about the contamination. It’s like venom, infiltration, those sort of things. So it doesn’t really freak me out.

Interviewer: Could you tell us something about the band or one of its members that not many people know about? Like a little quirk or something that you do on the road.

Frank: Umm, okay, let’s see. I’m trying to think of things that won’t embarrass anybody. One thing, just one?

Interviewer: Well, how ever many you want to tell us.

Frank: I’ll give you one about everybody. Ray’s never around. Ray will constantly be on his phone, playing a video game or playing guitar in the back lounge with earphones on. Like, you will not see him, you do not see him at all. That kid is dedicated to technology completely. Bob is addicted to '24', the television show. Mikey will be broke at the age of thirty, but have every DVD, comic book, and video game known to man. Gerard, this is probably widely known, but I will assure you, Gerard is as close to genius as you could possibly get.

Interviewer: If you were on a desert island and could only bring three things with you, what would they be?

Gerard: I'd definitely bring a hand-crank flashlight, a machete, and then something fun.

Mikey: Conch shell!

Gerard: Well, they'd be there, Mikey...

Mikey: No, so you could always talk-

Frank: I'll bring sand.

Gerard: You bring coconuts too, Mikey.

Frank: And inflatable palm trees.

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