My Name is Rain.
I'm A Jumper.
Yes, like you saw in the movie.
But, It's Much More Complicated Then That.
Were not the only ones.
Demons, Angles, Shifters and More.
There all here, but there in hideing.
But back to me,
There are ranks for us, the ones who are dieing. Unlike demons of any of them, were dieing.
Here are our ranks,
Rank 1: New Jumper, can only jump with hard Foucus with picture
Rank 2: Can only Jump to Certian Places with Picture
Rank 3: Can jump anywhere in the Country they are in, still with picture
Rank 4: Can jump Anywhere with pictiure
Rank 5: Can Jump anywhere with No Picture.
I'm Rank 5.
No many are this high, the movie go something right. It's takes A long time to get where i am. Also most Jumpers never acualy reach Rank 5, only reach 4.
I sound depressing, but it get's Better.
I find my Sould Mate.
Sounds Cheesey yes, but it happend.
But how you ask?
Well Read on And Find out.
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Thanks Zaria