1-The Beginning

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I jumped up at the sound of my alarm, tangled in a mess of blankets. Reluctantly I drug my body out of bed and tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes. This was only the second week of school. Our small school started later because of the construction on the middle school and high school. I turned the lights on after finding the switch and I ran a shaky hand through my hair. I stood up and wrapped my arms around my chest to stretch and rub my shoulders. As I ran my hands down my back, they started to sting like hell. I quickly took my hands off them and studied my finger tips only to discover a light streak of blood. With a sigh, I wiped my hands on my spaghetti-strap tank top. I often had nightmares ever since the incident.

I took my phone off the charger and turned it on while I got ready. The screen flickered to life. I smiled slightly when I saw Nick's picture jump to the screen. I set it down, then walked over to the mirror. I sent Nick a quick text, telling him good morning. I opened my favorite jewelry box and smiled at it. Nick had made it for me in Industrial Tech last year, and I still used it. I slowly ran my fingers across the smooth wood of the lid and read the inside. In green Sharpie he wrote This is it, nothing left to hide, one more kiss, never say goodbye, this is it, baby you're all mine. I love you baby(:. After I read it, I laid the lid on the box and turned to look at my shoulders. Deep scratches laid into my skin. It looked like I had been attacked by a wild animal. I breathed a sigh and grabbed a dirty shirt off the floor, and gently dabbed at the wounds. After I absorbed the blood with the shirt, I threw it in the overflowing basket with dirty clothes. After looking at the basket, I made a mental note to do laundry tonight.

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone buzzed on the table. I slowly picked it up and slid it open. I made another attempt to rub the sleep out of my eyes, but failed epically at doing so. I glanced at the screen to see a message from Nick. I replied to Nick's questioning concern by telling him to call me.

When the message was sent, I set my phone down again, and headed to the bathroom. I stopped at my dad's door. It was closed and quiet which meant he was either sleeping in or gone again. I walked down the hall quietly just in case and noticed all the lights were off downstairs. Maybe he was sleeping in. I took a few more steps into the bathroom and got a cold wet rag. I turned the lights off and walked back to my door. I stepped back in my room and I heard the ring tone I set for Nick blare from my phone. I walked back to the mirror and dresser and picked it up, and put it on speaker. "Hello?" I said tiredly. I took the cool rag and wiped it across my face. It's cool, icy touch felt nice against my tired skin. It was cool and refreshing. I wiped my eyes to wipe away the crusted tears clumping on my lashes.

"Hey," Nick said after staying quiet a while. "Are you okay?" His voice was concerned.

"Another bad night," I said quietly as I dabbed the rag on my shoulders.

"Are you sure Zara? I'll come over right now and I'll take you to school if you want." I knew he was worried, and I hated it. I didn't want to distract him his senior year. He was the sweetest, and I knew he'd do anything for me. This year though, I wasn't distracting him, so I had to be a little less - me.

Note to self: Don't expect the 'keep Nick focused this year' plan to work for very long.

I sighed and looked at my red splashed face in the mirror. "No, I'll be fine. I'll just meet you, Sam and Bella at school. I'll be fine," I repeat. I really hate it when he worries about me. He's way to quiet for way to long. "Nick, baby, are you there?" I repeated. As much as I wanted Nick here, I had to force myself to tell him to stay.

Nick sighed. "Are you sure, baby? I can swing by and get you," he said. He tried to use his begging tone that I had always loved. Any other time it would have worked, but not today.

"Yeah baby, I'll meet you there." I replied as I stretched

Nick stayed quiet for a while and I knew he was mauling for one more argument. "Zara, I'm just ten min-"

"Nick," I said in a warning tone. "I'll meet you there, okay?" I said. I turned my straightener on as I waited for him to reply. "I love you," I said finally when he didn't say anything.

"I love you too sweetie," he said and sighed. The phone crackled and I heard Sam's crazy laugh in the background. Nick laughed and I got off to let the boys be boys.

I pulled my chair from my desk over and plopped down. After I brushed my long brown hair, I straightened it. I wiped some foundation on, put eyeliner on and brushed mascara over my lashes. Then I stood up. I went to my closet to examine my wardrobe, and settled on a blue ruffled shirt, and scarf. I pulled it of the hanger, and pulled off my tank top. I slipped the blue shirt on, but ripped it back off when it sent the scratches stinging. I sighed, and put the shirt back in my closet, and got out my soccer t-shirt. I threw it on, slipped into my smoky grey shorts, and tied my black Converse on my feet. I looked at my reflection in the mirror, brushed my hair, and smiled at myself. I looked pretty good.

Before I left my room, I put my deodorant on, and pulled a hoodie off the hanger to take with me to school. The hoodie was one of Nick's and his sent still lingered in the fabric. I walked back over to my dresser, and tucked my phone in my pocket. I walked to the bathroom quietly, turning my light off and closing the door as I left. Then I went pee and brushed my teeth.

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