Chapter 1

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Hi guys, so as you can see this is my first Fanfic so please bare with me if its not good. I will try my best & just enjoy writing this story. I don't even think anyone will read this but it's worth a try. Anyways let's get started.❤


It's happening! It's happening again.I'm I in love? I can't be, he's not worth my love, is he?

A few months earlier...
Stephanie's Pov
It was my first day at school and I was really nervous because I didn't know anyone. I kept thinking to myself what if no one likes me? What if no one want's to be my friend? What if all the girl's at that school are prettier than me? What if.. Is what I kept thinking. I was overthinking everything. It was 7:30 am and I had 30 mi- ... More like 20 minutes left to get ready and leave.
-skips getting ready-

I finally finish and head outside to wait on my mother who was still inside getting ready for I don't know what. She finally arrives outside and begins to drive me to school.
-skips car ride-

I got to the place I didn't want to get to. I hoped this was all just a dream and I would wake up any sec from now. As I made my way out of the car I realized this wasn't a dream and I was actually at this new school. I entered the school and I saw that all the girls were actually prettier than me. I knew I wasn't over reacting and that everything I was thinking about earlier was actually true, now I was really worried and more nervous than before.
I made my way down the hall but had no idea where to go. I even tried asking some of the students but they ignored me. I then see this guy that didn't seem friendly but I thought I would give it a try and ask him since everyone else was ignoring me.
I approached him and I simply said "Hello, sorry to bother you but I was trying to find my class, I asked for help but everyone seems to be ingoring me. Can you he-" He cut me off and He replied with "Of course not." I slowly started walking away but shortly I felt a hand on my wrist. It was him. Why did he grabed my wrist? I thought he didn't want to help me? I really wanted to get to class because I didn't want to be late for the first day of school. I went back to where he was to know why he was grabbing my wrist.
Stephanie: Can you let go of my wrist?
??: Make me!!
Stephanie: Please! I really need to get to class.
??: You're such a goody goody.
Stephanie: N-nooo
??: Yes, you have like 30 min before class starts
Stephanie: I don't care, I want to be early not late and I can't do that because you won't let go of my wrist. So please let go.
??: Fine, but with one condition!

Stephanie: What?

I was thinking to myself what if he wants a kiss? I would never accept.

??: Tell me your name
Stephanie: Ok, I'm Stephanie and what's your name?
??: Oh beautiful name, I'm Richard.
Stephanie: Thank You and nice meeting you Richard but seriously let go of my wrist now.
Richard: Anytime, oh right sorry!
Stephanie: Thank you, but I got to go now I have to get to class
Richard: You can't! You don't even know where your class is!
Stephanie: True but I have to atleast try to find it since no one wants to help me
Richard: yes, I want to help you
Stephanie: but i thou-
Richard: shhhh, I didn't mean what I said earlier I was just playing around that is why I grabbed your wrist so you wouldn't go
Stephanie: ohh ok, now tell me where's my class
Ricard: chill, you still have 20 min
Stephanie: Richard, I already told you I need to be early
Richard: Look, I will help you but i'm going to help you my way. I promise I won't make you late to class and if I do i'm sure they won't mind since it's your first day
Stephanie: Fine
Richard: Ok, follow me

I started following him.I didn't have a choice since he was the only one who would help me. I was kinda nervous because he seemed like a nice guy but at the same time not.
We finally arrived. We were at some kind of park. I was surprised I thought he was taking me to some kind of dark place. He actually was a nice guy and I underestimated him.

A/n: I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as i enjoyed writing it. I know i'm not good but i'm trying. If you guys could give me feedback so i can get better, that would be great. Sorry if there is any spelling or gramar errors. Thank you so much for reading this!! ❤ Also, don't forget to vote & comment ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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