We've got a bit of love hate. [Niall Horan fanfic]

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[authors note]

Hey guys its my first book so bear with me. Give suggestions, anything. Feedback is always good. :) And BTW im a huge directioner. :)

I do not own any of the characters or claim to own them.

"Emily get up!"

I heard my mom yell, but as usual instead of listening to her I put the pillow above my head to drown out the noise.

Definitely a mistake, a few minutes later I felt ice cold water being poured on my bare back.

"MOM!" I yelled, jumping out of bed.

"Next time that will teach you not to ignore me. Honey you need to get ready. Hurry or i'm going to be late for work."

I just scowled at her. I walked to the bathroom and took a nice, long hot shower. I took my sweet time blow drying my hair and putting on some tights and a off the shoulder shirt from pink with a pair of brown boots. I ran downstairs and grabbed a poptart. "k, I'm ready."

Today was a big day for my mom. She did volunteer work for concert venues and things like that, helping set up backstage. But today was it was for the biggest boyband in the world. I was pretty excited. I always attend the venues with her backstage and occasionally I get to meet the artist.

It was about 6 in the morning and I already knew it was going to be a long day. so I begged her to stop at mcdonalds. to get me a frappe and a mcgriddle. when we arrived to the venue there was already a few girls outside. she went up to the gate and punched the code in and the gate opened letting us in. She parked the car and we were all set for the long day ahead of us.

As soon as we got in my mom was straight to work and I was left to pretty much do what I want. I looked around and the place was massive. I sat down and decided to tweet on my twitter. "I'm at the venue, what should I do first?"

I checked my replies. "Go find the dressing rooms!!!!" Good idea. It shouldn't be that hard.

I started down the main hall and looked around. When I saw the sign that said artist only, I knew I was getting pretty close. I went a good ways down the hall until I saw some people walking out. I quickly went into the nearest room I found. Turning around I realized I was in there dressing room! I looked around a bit and decided to tweet a picture on twitter. the place was actually pretty cozy. It was a big couch in the middle and in one of the corners it had a fridge and a cabinet full of snacks.

I sat down on the couch and felt exhaustion overcome me. A little nap would't hurt anything.

I awoke to the sound of loud voices. my first thought when I opened my eyes was where am I? And then I remembered I was in there dressing room. Crap I had no idea how long I had been sleeping or anything. What if my mom was looking for me? The voices were getting louder and I heard doorknob jiggle and the door being open. I stared wide eyed at the door.

They casually walked in and all looked at me.

The blonde one was the first to speak. "uh, who are you?"

The curly one was next "Should we call security?"

I finally found my voice. "No, sorry. My mom works here and I kind of got lost and uhh, ended up in here."

The other one with brown hair spoke, " Thats complete rubbish."

"No im serious. Sorry I'm just going to go now."

I went back down the main hall trying to find my mom. That was so awkward.

"Honey, where have you been I've been looking everywhere for you. Guess what Ricky informed me? Hes letting you meet One Direction."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2013 ⏰

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We've got a bit of love hate. [Niall Horan fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now