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When people told me to get a life, I always assumed it was rhetorical. Nobody actually expected me to get up, dust myself off and face the world head on.

But then again, no one actually cared.

Living with my despondent, post-divorce, step-mother is not what many would call "the good life." But, compared to what I've been through, it could be a hell of a lot worse (trust me).

After sitting on the couch for about 4 months, I decided to do something about my situation. Slouching around watching seasons of The Office in my underwear won't make anything better.

So here I am, getting a job, or getting a life, or whatever you want to call it. Actually taking a step in the right direction for once.

And, honestly, it feels pretty damn great.

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So, I don't really know how all of this works, but can you guys not steal or copy any of my work? I'm working really hard on it and it would suck if it got plagarized.

I'm just gonna add a copyright sign in here for good measure, so: ©.

That's about it. Thanks :)

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