SasuNaru Ch1--Woods Walks and Assassins.

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Out in the open you could see everything, everything but what was sneeking up behind you. Unles you have my unique abilities, you cant sense people following you through the trees, or them building up energy to hide themselves from you. Unles you have my set of skills, you wouldnt be able to dodge the Shuriken that got thrown at my head. Spinning, I caught the Shuriken just before it tore through my skull.

"Who are yoou and why are you following me?" I asked in a casual low voice, as the attacker made himself known. He dropped from the tree he was hiding in and drew another Shuriken from the pouch resting just below his knee.

"I'm an Assassin, I was sent here to kill you." I sighed, lackies always did a horrible job when it came to accomplishing the missions they were sent to carry out. "I was also approached by some ninja from the Hidden Leaf Villiage.They asked me not to harm you and to give you a message." I tilted my head to the side; I had a very good idea who the ninja to whom he reffered were.

"A girl with Pink hair and a bad  temper and a boy with blond hair and blue eyes, extreamly energetic?" The Assassin nodded and I laughed, Naruto and Sakura. I turned from the Assassin and started back on the path he had interupted. "So, I have two questions for you." The Assassin caught up to me--obviously he wasnt being paid enough to kill me before he had delivered the messages from my old team mates--and fell into step beside me.

"I'll tell you anything I can." I laughed.

"Ok. Question one: who hired you?" he stared at me as if the question was odd or something. He shifted his weight as we walked.  

"I dont know a name but I do know a few distinguishing features about him. He's always in an Akatsuki robe and he always wears a mask with only one eyehole." I stopped walking; he took a few steps forward before he realized I wasnt walking with him. Why would Madara want me dead? He was the one who approached me after Itachi died; he was the one who told me what really happened to my family, to Itachi, what Itachi did for me. I shook off my insecure feelings, much prefering to deal with it later. I started walking again and the Assassin continued with me.

"And what did the two ninja from the Leaf Villiage have to say to me?" The Assassin looked a little embarrassed about what they had said.

"Well at first it was just the Pink haired one, and she wanted me to tell you that the Villiage was abnormal without you and that she....well that she...." I saved him the torment and took over.

"That she loves me?" The Assassin nodded and I laughed outright at Sakura's outright bluntness to a complete stranger. "What else?" he thought a second.

"Well after that the Yellow haired one came and he asked me to tell you something I still dont understand. He said: 'Tell him the Ramen shop is completely empty without him there to fill it with amazing people.' The girl looked a little confused...." I had stopped again. Because what Naruto had said to this guy was a code that we had used around people when we had wanted to be alone, wanted to talk. It meant that he missed me more than he could put into words. I sank to my knees and put my head in my hands. What the hell was I meant to do now? As I sat there pondering the difficult choices I had to make the Assassin went on. "So I guess that means something to you huh?" I nodded slowly and rose from the dirt covered ground. We continued walking and we soon came to the opening I had been walking towards before this guy had attacked me. "Oh. There was one more thing. The boy said that they were going on a mission near your base, I personally dont think that's relevent but...." I didnt hear the rest, I had bolted into the opening having seen a flash of bright yellow hair followed by pink then black then silver. I broke through the underbrush and skidded to a faulty stop almost landing on my face as I mounted a rock just off the edge of the tree line. But when I had regained my equilibrium I looked up and as I did I stared into the most beautiful blue eyes I'd ever seen in my life, and I knew that those eyes could belong to nobody else but my best friend Naruto Uzumaki, the number one knuckle head ninja.            

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2011 ⏰

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