One minute I was having the time of my life, the other my life crashed in front of me. Literally.
The memories returned at night in nightmares. I had barely been capable of sleeping for the last 2 months. I was being haunted by my mind.
My parents thought it would be good to start over and move. They couldn't be more wrong.
When I woke up at 2 in the morning I felt exactly like the room I was sleeping in. Empty and with an absence of personality. Since I wouldn't be able to sleep for anytime soon I decided to get out of bed. Making my way to the window I almost tripped over one of the moving boxes. I opened the curtains and looked up at the full moon that was lighting up my face.
I thought about my past. About all the people I would never see again. It even made me feel sad that I wouldn't walk past all the familiar faces I've never talked to at high school again. What was I going to do? I knew nobody in this goddamn city.
I was actually one of the popular kids in my school. But it wasn't until after the accident that I realised there was nobody who really cared about me at all. I bet they barely even noticed that I left. All I have left now is regret. Regret that I wasted 2 years of my life on trying to look good for others who couldn't care less. Regret that I never made any real friends. But mostly regret about what happened to my brother.