What is really right?

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As I come to school in the morning, I try to not think about the things that could affect my academic performance. But as I attempt to concentrate on the discussion in class, this errant brain of mine does otherwise. And as soon as this thought has dominated my brain and heart, they would start having an argument about it – taking place on a certain part of my body that would be forever unknown to me. Because of this, a part of me would push me to write in order to keep record of the ideas produced by both sides, and so I could share them with others after I have decided which has taken “what is really right” as its base and not just “what it thinks is right”. A lot of factors are to be considered in showing how those two differ. The standard set by the world could be one of the things that influence one’s definition of “right”. There are still a lot of unanswered questions about these factors that I do not wish to drop. However, I am left with no choice but to drop them for you to look for the answers for yourself. I hope that you will end up in getting the right answers and not just what you think is right for satisfaction. The things that I will be talking about did not just come up out of nowhere. I considered a lot of ideas, as I am aware that my ears need to be opened to facts yet closed to opinions. These things are the things that haunt me every night and day. I have been thinking of three things lately: reputation, interpretation, and misconceptions. I wonder how important reputation is. To the rich people and to someone in power, it is very important; because it is the name that keeps them in place and makes them the way they are. To the ordinary people, it may be none of their business because they think that they do not matter; while for some, it may be the only treasure they have. I asked a number of people a question: which is more important, the way you see yourself or the way others see you? Most answered that the way you see yourself is more important. I was about to coincide with the majority, but I have come to a realization that nothing is really more important. Yes, both are important; but none of which is more. There could be situations that can show the significance of one but in spite of considerations, both are still equal and balanced. A good example to clear this is a situation where an innocent person is accused and judged. Here, we can say that the way others see him is important as he could lose his job or worse, the trust of the people he love because of the accusation and judgment of the majority, which as I have observed, is not always just but always has the upper hand. A person who would encounter this kind of situation might just think that the way others see you is more important just because he cannot see the value of how he see himself. After careful breakdown, we would see that he could use the way he sees himself in proving the majority wrong. Therefore, the way you see yourself is important as the way others see you for both are needed to be able to clean your name. Another situation is when people affirm you for being so good in a certain subject. The way they see you could affect the way you see yourself – you might think that you are good in that subject when in reality, you are really not. Learning the proper way of weighing things could really help one to get rid of confusion and could also lead to being able to make wise and right decisions.

One’s interpretation of things is one of the foundations of beliefs of the people. Usually, the majority accepts the interpretation of things of the famous people. Without questioning, they just coincide with it because they do not see something wrong in it, as they do not carefully evaluate such idea. If Galileo were not born, we would still be like idiots believing in Aristotle’s ideas. Why do people consider things right even though they are not yet proven? This free will drives people insane. Just because they “want it”, they will accept it and you cannot do anything about it. The foundation of an idea is important. So before we could consider any as right, we must test and prove it first.  We are all aware that a lot of ideas are born every second. The advancement of technology today is a proof that humans have indeed wonderful minds that are capable of changing the world and the belief of others. We are all under the same sky; therefore we must be all under one powerful being.  I know that not everyone accept this fact. But we must all agree that there is only one “right” interpretation of things, one knowledge or concept of what is right and wrong as to there is only one truth. Isn’t? Truth is singular. Thus, it has no versions. I heard through social media that we must continue whatever we are doing that makes us happy. According to the quote, after all, we live to be happy. I think that many people seem to agree with this as this quote was shared many times. Did anyone think first before approving with this idea? Did anyone try to evaluate this idea before upholding it? I have seen another quote that says: I can do anything I want. I am living in a free country. Why do people use quotations like this as a reason or excuse for a wrong thing that they have done? The worst line that I have heard is: As long as you think it is right and it makes you happy, do it. What if killing makes me happy and I think it is right? Should I do it? The basis of what is right and wrong is not what you think or how you interpret things. The book of books or the Bible, if accepted and followed by everyone properly, could have led us to a peaceful living. If you do not want to believe in the Bible yet, let us consider this: treat others as how you want others to treat you. In this way, we could then at least exercise equality. Can you not see that being an idiot by believing to something wrong and not proven could lead to having misconceptions about life?

Many generations have passed and the problem remains unresolved. That is why people agree to respect everyone’s opinion as everyone is entitled to it. Well, there is a big difference between a fact and opinion – and that is one misconception in life. One must be able to distinguish whether a person is stating a fact or an opinion. How? One must open his eyes and must not limit himself to what he only knows. A lot of wise quotations are being misused because people fail to completely understand the meaning, as they do not even question its credibility. Remember, a thing can never be right just because you think it is right. I am certain that this is another misconception: respect what I am doing because I think it is right. There has to be evidence, proof, or something that could show that it is right. Well, let us not let the person we love to do the things that he wants just because he thinks it is right. A quotation says, “If you love a person, you would let him go and do the things that he wants”. Even though you are completely aware that is wrong? Is that love? I listed a few reasons why there are misconceptions: 1) A person limits himself only to the things that he knows; 2) A person does not accept the fact though evidences are presented; 3) illusions; 4) A person is not realistic; 5) A person believes on unproven ideas; 6) myths; 7) bent thoughts; 8) compromised judgment and 9) books that contradict another. There are still a lot of reasons that are not mentioned but no matter what the reason is, I perceive only one way to avoid having a misconception: identify its root. Be wise enough and find a way to unravel the roots in case they are twisted.

Many people, non-believers to be exact, question the credibility of the Bible. As proven by history and our own lives, the Bible is credible and could support itself. What these people cannot accept is just the truth itself or what they wanted to be right happens to be certainly wrong. These people then created their own interpretation of things, which becomes to be the foundation of the belief of the people, which what confuses people. The past has proven that what is stated in the Bible happened and is happening. It even clearly states things plainly so that it would be easy to comprehend. Well, it also says that not everyone is called, not everyone would believe, and not everyone would comprehend. Believers, on the other hand, have formed different interpretations also. However, among all these interpretations, there should only be one that is right. As discussed beforehand, there is only one concept of right and wrong since there is only one credible foundation of the truth. The Bible, although translated to different languages and has different versions, is singular. I believe that it is carefully translated to another language, as He is truly powerful. I have noticed that they are believers who choose to follow only a part of the Bible. Well, we cannot choose which to follow. One cannot be considered a Christian, if he just believes in Christ. He has to follow all the commandments - he has to accept that homosexuality is not a good thing.

Morality, as defined by Wikipedia, is specifically synonymous with “rightness” and “goodness”. Immorality, on the other hand, is the disbelief in any set of moral standards or principles. If we cannot make people do the right thing by using the Bible, let us then use morality. Morality is affected by different cultures and traditions. I overheard an idea that the concept of right and wrong depends on the culture. Let us analyze: what is the foundation of this culture? Did an influential person or a leader make this concept because that was just what he wanted and he just thought it was right? Some people choose to live without following any principles. Yes, it is their right because each of us has free will. However, due to the selfishness of some people, free will is being abused. These people try to change things that cannot be changed. Well indeed, nothing is impossible. But, we must consider our limitations. We are all aware that each right has a corresponding duty or responsibility; therefore, we must know the consequences of our actions particularly when we fail to take responsibility of what we have done.

There may be things that are still not clear. As I, myself, have a lot of questions that do not have answers yet. However, I acknowledge the fact that I am only human and not a god to be able to understand everything. I believe that all my questions will be answered at the right time and at the right place. I wrote this because I wanted to at least make people think and for them to evaluate their beliefs as it could change their fate. If ever the Bible is not true, and the heaven and hell do not exist; then, we, believers, are safe. But if the Bible is true, the non-believers are not. As written in the Bible, those who do bad things and those who do not believe will be punished.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2013 ⏰

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