I'm feeling pretty out of place
This town doesn't belong with me
And the people inside it
Don't understand my soul
I'm sick of feeling lonely
I need to find that special someone
Who won't dislike what I have to say
The one who will lie with me at night
Spill all the things we like
And what makes our blood boil
They say I've got my whole life ahead of me
Then why do I feel like my happiness is already passed
Gone in a flash before my naive eyes
I'm always aware of the sky
How it edges closer everday that goes by
Soon enough armagedon will arrive
So what's the point in trying anymore?
To be someone wonderful, to be someone loved
Hey, at least i'm over you
Perhaps that is my greatest achievement of all
Yet still I feel hollow
Out of place, an outsider, lost in space
Who am I?
Do you know?
Have you any idea at all?
Who am I?