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I remember the first time I met Jack

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I remember the first time I met Jack. Jess was all super nervous and stuttering, saying she had to show me something. I laughed when she showed me Jack's card and freaked when she showed me her Mark thinking it was a tattoo. We had promised to get our first ones together and I was furious she got one without me. When she started explaining to me about Cardecka I thought she was either insane or pranking me. That is, until she summoned him. My first thought was 'My god he HOT!' then a few seconds later I thought 'oh Jess what have you gotten yourself into.'

The next time I saw him was when he carried Jess to my house after one of the matches in the Games. I was with my boyfriend then but pushed him out he door the second I saw his face. I was freaking out when I saw Jess all passed out and bloody but I was definitely more focused on injured Jack then Jess. My fake reasoning was 'He'll probably tell me what happened to my best friend if I clean him up.' He did tell me and it was then that I realized he was love with Jess. It shouldn't have hurt, I had a boyfriend, but it did. It hurt me trying to ignore my crush on him but Jess is always thinking of me so I figured I'd think of her and ignore my longing for Jack. When Jess woke up and started telling me about her new boyfriend in Cardecka I was thinking about Jack, not King, and how he must be hurting.

During the Games, I switched places with Jess so she could ditch the boyfriend and Jack kissed me, thinking I was Jess. It was a major ouch but he was such a good kisser I almost didn't mind. When I ended up getting Cardeckian powers, Jack offered to train me and we got close. My crush turned into a heartache love which made it hurt more when I saw them together. It didn't help any that Jess was still hung up on King while Jack stole longing glances. After Jess had won the Games, I threatened the Council for if they ever tried to take Jess out of school. Not because I care about her education, even though I do, but because I didn't want her to spend too much time alone with Jack. He was starting to get over her and horrible as it sounded I wanted ever chance I had with him.

When he asked me out to the dance I was ecstatic. I knew he just wanted to go with someone who knew who he was who wasn't Jess, but still, he was going with me and I was crazy happy. At the dance he kissed me to ease his heartache, again, ouch, but this time he knew it was me so it hurt a little bit less than it would have if he didn't. When he asked me out I was happily surprised but I could still see lingering traces of how much he liked Jess. It made me batshit crazy with jealousy. So much I asked for his card. I knew how much it meant to Jess, how precious it was to her, but as long as she had it Jack would never be fully mine. So I wanted it. And Jess, being the way too good person that she is, gave it to me.

It nearly killed her being away from him but she knew how I felt and didn't ask for the card back. No, instead she broke the Mark. She started a Deck and moved to Cardecka. I didn't even know, Jack told me after hearing from King who asked why Jack had hurt Jess so badly. Jack cried for her, he still loved her to bits and I took him away. It hurt me to see him like this so I did what was right and broke it off with him. I went to Cardecka and all but demanded she take him back. She refused saying she wouldn't take him away from me. I found out later that when her Sprites broke her Mark they created a Bane for Jack, ...Jess. If she ever paired with Jack again she would hurt him. She loved Jack, I saw it in her eyes, but she wouldn't dare hurt him. I took him away from her and now they were both hurting. My best friend and the guy I was in love with. I couldn't stand it so I did the only thing I could do. I became Jack's Master and joined Jess's Deck.

For a while it hurt being there with them so happy and in love, but then I met Jess's ex, King. His blond-haired, blue-eyed, royal sweetness came to visit and saw me sulking. He came to try and make me feel better and I was a goner. He joined Jess's Deck so he could be with me and took Jack's place as my Primary. He's mine and nothing could be better. To make life even awesomer, the only cards Jess was missing were King, Queen, Four, and Ace. King took King and his sister took Queen. He knows a powerful Four who's willing to join and something tells me the bulge Jess is trying to hide will be an Ace.

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