Chapter 1

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"Kion!" Ono swoops down towards his fearless leader. The Lion Guard was just finishing up patrol when Kion asked Ono to check out the area on last time.

Kion looks at his friend with a look of concern. "What is it, Ono? Is there trouble?"

"Uh, not sure. I saw a lion cub over by the waterhole." He points his wing in the general direction. "But I'm pretty sure she's not from around here. I've never seen her before."

Kion's brows furrow. Could the cub be an Outlander? His dad had mentioned that there are lions that live in the Outlands. "Alright guys, let's check it out. Ono, lead the way. Guys, let's move out!"

The rest of Lion Guard follow Ono's lead to the spot where he saw the cub. And sure enough, when they arrive, there's a young lioness cub with brown fur by the water side. It seems she hasn't noticed them yet, by the way she was lapping peacefully at the water.

"Hey!" Kion yells, startling the female cub. The shock causes her to choke slightly on the water as she spins around. Kion hops off the rock he was standing on and approaches her, trying to look as friendly as possible. "Sorry about that, but who are you? I'm pretty sure I've never seen you around here before."

After getting her breathing situated, she gives him a somewhat wary look. She doesn't offer any answer, but her body language suggests she's ready to bolt.

"Kion! You're supposed to introduce yourself first." Bunga scolds playfully. "Hi! I'm Bunga! That's Kion, Fuli, Beshte, and Ono. And we're the Lion Guard!" He introduces with his usual enthusiasm.

She tilts her head in curiosity and sits down, appearing to relax. "What's a 'Lion Guard'?"

Kion steps forward. "We're a team made of the fiercest, bravest, strongest, fastest, and keenest of sight. We're supposed to protect the Pridelands and defend the circle of life."

"That sounds cool." She smiles. "My name's Niani, by the way."

"Nice to meet ya. Say, what are you doing out here by yourself, anyway?" Beshte asks.

Niani's smile falters a bit and she looks away. "I kinda got separated from my dad a while back. I'm trying to find him, or, atleast wait until he finds me."

"Sorry to hear that." Beshte apologizes and Niani waves him off with her paw.

"It's fine. Really. I'm good at taking care of myself and he said he'd find me again soon, so I'm not too worried."

Kion can tell she wasn't being honest. Her eyes kept darting around the area, hoping to catch sight of another lion. "You must be hungry, right? Come on! I'm sure my dad would let you stick around until your dad comes."

"I dunno...."

Fuli darts by Niani's side. "I'm sure it'll be fine. Your dad'll probably pass through soon, but you won't know if you leave before he gets here."

Niani sighs. "That's true. Alright. I'll stay. But only for a few days! If my dad doesn't come through, then I'll go off again to find him. Deal?"

"Deal!" The Guard chorus.

Yes, I'm somewhat obsessed with this show. And I adore Kion so I'm making this.

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