T w e n t y-S i x

18 4 5

I hope you lovely carrots enjoy this chapter!


|December 26th, 2013, Clementine's Flat, 12:01 am|

// Clementine's POV //

"Clementine. I-i'm-" she got choked on her sobs before she could finish. "Pen, calm down... what's wrong? Are you hurt, are you okay?!" I asked trying not to freak out because that would not help her at all.

"I'm leaving the band" I could barely hear her words, it took a while for the words to settle into my head but when they did my reflection that was staring back at me in the mirror was pale as snow.

"W-what. No! You can't do this, you're not leaving!" I must have been sounding like a big baby. "Penelope! Why at least tell me the reason behind this!" I know me being all worked up over this is not going to help the situation but can you really blame me?

"Clementine, I just don't know what to do anymore. I went to go tell Liam that I was pregnant that it was his baby.. but when I got to his flat I found- I found him and Danielle-" she broke out crying for the 3rd time now and I can't help but want to knock all of Danielle's teeth out right now.

"I-I don't want the fans to think that I'm just some washed up whore that only used Liam for his fame and money and now that I'm-" she stopped talking for a while trying to calm her breathing down.

"Now that I'm pregnant I don't know what to do anymore.." her voice cracked and my heart squeezed in my chest. "We'll help you through this- I'll help you through this, Pen.. you're not alone in this. You're never alone. So don't you even think you are."

The line went dead quiet. "I'm going now, bye" I panicked "no wait-" she hung up before I could react. I screamed and threw my phone and it landed on the sofa in the lounge.

Oh God, I have to do something. But what? If Penelope made up her mind about leaving the band then I don't know if there is something else I could do.


// Penelope's POV //

I sat in my room crying my eyes out for the past few hours. Why would Liam do this? Why would he make me fall in love with him, get knocked up, and now I'm utterly confused and distraught. Why did he make me feel this way, Why!?

A knock on my door made me snap out of my thoughts and right as I was about to ask whoever it was to go away it spoke. "Penelope! Are you in there? Please open the door. I didn't kiss her! She forced herself on me! Please.. please Penelope I love you, I truly do and, and-" he got quiet after that.

I slowly stood up from the bed, the floor boards creaked as I walked over to my door and unlocked it. I took a deep breath, come on Pen, this is only Liam.

I opened it and when I did I found a broken looking Liam standing there with his head in his hands. "I thought I lost you... And- just the thought of that saddens me," he looked up from the ground.

"Liam-" he shushed me "no let me speak-" now I shushed him. "No, Liam, let me talk first mine's more important" I took a deep breath then started speaking again.

"Liam... When I came to your flat. I was going to tell you something that I had found out recently. But when I found you and Danielle kiss. I, of course, left immediately not getting to tell you. I-I'm pregnant and it's yours"

I couldn't quite decipher the look on his face I was getting all these mixed emotions but none of them was anger. "A-are you sure? You took more than one test right?" I nodded sighing.

"Yes, Liam it's yours. I haven't had sex with any other guy except you. I know you're scared but you're not the only one" he nodded and came up to me and hugged me.

"We'll get through this.." he whispered in my ear and I nodded feeling a lone tear slide down my cheek.

I really hope he's right.


Aw! At least Liam understood her! And if you think about this, it's kinda mixed up. Daddy Direction got a girl pregnant instead of Louis. Ha! Well, I hope you lovely Lil' carrots enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one. Bye!

~Megan (: x

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