Chapter One

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Pride + Prejudice + Zombies Fan Fiction

By: Tinka Sparkles [ Twinkieschan ] 

Chapter One


Disclaimer: 'Pride and Prejudice' and all of its characters belong to Jane Austen. ' Pride and Prejudice and Zombies' is written by Seth Grahame-Smith. This is all inspired and a continued writing of the fanfiction from the user: Azrael-013. Her link to her story is: Almost all of this first chapter is written word for word from her fanfiction, the next chapters will be my very own writing. Azrael-013 I wish that you come back soon one day because you haven't updated since 28 June 2009. 

" It is a truth universally acknowledged that a zombie in possession of brains must be in want of more brains." 

The countryside of Hertfordshire, England, was always a serene sight. This was particularly true in the early evening, when the sun started to set and the sky was filled with blazing colors of red and orange. A calming and pleasant breeze rustled the green grass and the leaves of the tree. 

In the distance the figure of a young woman appeared. She brushed back the dark brown curls that fell on her face, smiling up at the sky before turning her attention back to the book in her hand. Roslin Miller had stayed out much longer than she had intended, having been caught up reading the novel she held underneath her favorite tree beside a nearby brook. Her mother and father expected her to be back before dark. She needed to hurry, but the dusk was just too beautiful to not enjoy. 

Not to mention the book. In the fading light Ros eagerly read through the page she was on, wondering how the spunky heroine would get herself out of the circumstance she was in with her unrequited love. Hence Ros was not aware of the dark form that suddenly slunk out of a group of trees, beginning to slowly close the distance between the two with lumbering but increasingly fast steps. 

Just as this unholy creature was within arm's reach of its prey, Ros snapped her book shut and lifted her head. In one fluid movement she flung the book into the air, ducked to avoid her would-be-assailant's attack, and then unsheathed her dagger that had been strapped to her ankle. Ros swiveled around and thrust her blade into the creature's throat, causing a spray of black blood to cover her arm. Wrenching her weapon sideways, Ros positioned herself behind the creature and expertly severed its head from its body. Both fell to the grass, her book dropping to the ground as well a few feet away. 

Instead of reaching for her belongings, Ros pulled out a pistol from the folds of her skirt and turned just in time to point it at another one of the creatures that had struck while she had been preoccupied with its companion. The unmentionable had just about time to let out a inhuman shriek before she pulled the trigger. The creature's head snapped back and it fell to the ground, finally insert, the hold in its head still smoking. 

Roslin lowered her weapon, giving a small sigh. She re-holstered her pistol, whipped her dagger on the grass in an effort to clean it before re-sheathing it, and then picked up her book. The sky was much darker now, but she still smiled as she resumed her walk back to Longhorn. The night itself was still beautiful, and overall today had been a good day. 

Now to get home and wash this stench from her body. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2018 ⏰

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