Long Weekend and Fran

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Long weekend, long work weekend, why do people have to work on the weekend? Why do I have to work on the weekend? Just get home, see your wonderful fiancée, and everything will be good.

Taking a big sigh, I picked up my overnight bag and got onto the train that would lead me to my wonderfully cramped apartment. I found a seat near the back of the cart sitting next to a window that looked like it had been to hell and back.
As the train began to move I watched the train station slowly disappear from my vision. The picture in front of me slowly fogged up and I began to imagine what it would be like when I got home.

,I would collapse into my Max's arms that would wrap around me giving me a gentle hug. He would be so relieved and happy to see me home safe. Then we would spend a blissful night together in each other's company.
He would carry me to our bedroom and there we would make wonderful love. Max whispers sweet nothings into my ear, laying kisses softly onto my neck trailing them up to my jawline. He hovers over my lips then......

There was a great jerking motion transporting me of my little day dream signaling me that it was time to get off the train and head to a boring home, with a partner who most likely be in bed already. Don't get me wrong I love my fiancée with all my heart, but I know my little scenario will never come to true.

A woman can dream all she wants, but reality will never be as great as her imagination. My imagination tends to have a mind of its own, and will cause me to zone out at the most infrequent of times. However, I keep trekking on even if my life may not be as great as my latest fantasy.

As I step out into the cold air of the winter I let out one more sigh and begin my short journey home, hopefully to a man that is up, and waiting desperately for the return of the love of his life.


I live on the fourth floor of an old apartment complex from the 1920s that looks just as run down as I felt at the present moment. It brick walls could use a bit of scrubbing and the ceilings need to be replaced since there are so many water stains and who know what else on them. Our elevator has been broken for at least three months, and looks like it will be for another three to four. The nice thing though is that the whole building is quiet, which doesn't happen to often.

Once I reached my floor though I heard a thumping noise that led to moaning. 'I guess some of my neighbors are getting busy and don't care that it is about 1 am in the morning on a Sunday night.' I thought looking at my watch in the dim hall light.

However, once I reached my door the moaning seemed to be right next door or in my actual apartment. The more I listened though it seemed to be coming from my apartment.

'Max is probably just watching some of his porn; that he thinks I don't know about. Whatever I guess I'll just sneak in and head straight for bed.' Once the door was unlocked, I just left my things right next to it and softly walked through the dark apartment, until something slightly caught my eye when I passed the kitchen.

Doing a double I found Max and I think a woman and a man in a compromising position that sent my brain from zero activity to over drive.

"Holy Mary mother of God, what they hell are you doing?" Fumbled out of my mouth.

Suddenly Max looked up at me surprisingly from the unknown voice, revealing another two faces who looked like they didn't have a care in the world that another human being had stumbled in on them.

"Mags why are you home?" He asked untangling his sweaty body from the other two.

"What do you mean, why are you home, this is my home also. I should be asking why there is a couple on my kitchen island getting it on with you?" I said raising my voice an octave higher.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2017 ⏰

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