Prologue : Zodiacs

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It was a story made by, became popular with children. Where it has the truth that no one seems to know. That long time ago, it is true that gods and goddesses exist. Well in fact they still do exist even now. Immortality? That's not what they have, it's about where they are. If they stayed at heaven for all these years then their aging would stop, but if they did not they were to become same as the humans, they die.

In every palace there's always a key. And key will be always be kept by someone. And as it was said, this key that they twelve hold can unlock every locked palace. Thus for this key being too powerful it was been split into twelve pieces. That whoever holds this key shall keep and protect it in any way.

It was been said that there are three things that gods does not want for humans to get involve with. One is to get involve with a god. Two is to become a burden to a gods duty. Third is to become the cause of a gods death.

It was a sin,
To fall in love.
But it was more a sin,
To fall in love with a human.

It all started with a shooting star and upon thy wish.

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