Very bad

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Chapter One

"Mum, I did something very bad."
She looked up at me, dropped her tea, and screamed in shock, perhaps it was more fear than shock but what the hell do i know. After all I had just walked into my simple home covered in someone else's blood, well a little bit of it was mine this lad actually put up quite the fight. "Louis!" She yelled with tears streaming down her face as she backed away from me, I remember frowning even though I wasn't upset. I tried to tell her I wouldn't hurt her that it was ok, that the kids I hurt deserved it but she didn't listen, I love my mummy. "What have you done!" She kept yelling at me and I felt my lips twist up into a crooked smile. "What have I done." I laugh to myself, What have I done.

    I remember most of the events from that night clearly, the rush I felt when seeing the fear and pain in someone's eyes as they beg me not to hurt them, it's truly marvelous how people think they're invincible, all bark but no bite. Me? I'm the opposite, all bite but no bark. Not even a warning, I gain their trust and then use it against them. That's how things are these days, survival of the fittest, the smartest.

      At court I proudly admitted to murdering four people, but I've done it so often it may have been more. My mum couldn't even look me in the eyes, instead she kept apologizing to the families that were there. The families of the people I killed. I didn't like that, they didn't deserve my mothers kindness, they obviously didn't know what their kids did or they wouldn't be in this situation, they did not deserve my mothers sweet apologies.

      The court decided to put me in an asylum rather than to lock me up or kill me. They claimed that the only reason I did what I did was because my mind isn't healthy, so it's 'not my fault'. My mind is perfectly healthy to be honest, they just needed an excuse to get more money. My mum would have to pay for my stay at the 'mental hospital', and I know that it cost a very pretty penny. I was really hoping they killed me. I hoped they stuck that needle in my arm and killed me in a glass box while my mummy watched, or strap me down to an electric chair and turned up the voltage of it till my brains went all over the room, kind of how Jaycob looked when I killed him. I would be smiling the whole time telling them "I'll see you later! I'll see you later!" until my body gives out and I'm fucking free.

       A group of men came in and strapped me up in a very nice jacket. I guess they wanted to make sure I was extra warm because when they put it on they bundled me up so tight I couldn't even move my arms. They helped me stand up and make my way over to say goodbye to my mummy, but I didn't tell her bye, I'd see her later probably. Instead I looked at the families of the people I killed besides her and smiled at them, a nice cocky shit eating smile. "I'm just a broken boy living in a fucking broken world." I laughed to them before being dragged away to my destiny listening to the harmonious cries coming from the families and feeling extremely satisfied with myself.

*comment and vote :)) update coming soon

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