This is summer..

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24th July 2013

Dear Diary                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I guess ill start with a little bit about myself. My name is Trina, I'm 15 and I live in Southend . What ? I said a little bit didnt I ?. Anyway , it was my last day as a year 10 and now I have the 6 weeks holidays to do whatever I want ! . Thats what everyone says anyway, I mean its not true though is it ?. I cant do what ever I want. I cant drink , drive , smoke or go on holiday without my parents. For me the holidays is just as bad as being in prison. All my friends are aloud to do whatever they want. I envy them so much. I guess the highlight on my holidays is that i get to go to Egypt for two weeks with my dad and his new wife ?. I dont like her very much, shes increadably stuck up and takes all my dads attention. My dad moved to kent so I only get to see him once a month, so it sucks when hes constenly doing stuff for her and doenst spend 10 minuets with me. My parents split when I was 10 so it was only 5 years ago. They cant have a conversation without breaking out into a huge fight. They try their hardest to be civil for me but like most devorsed couples they just argue. So todays my last day of school and to celebrate that we went on a school trip to the beach. All the girls in their bikinis running around like the dumbest people alive and the boys playing football with their shirts off trying to impress anything that moved. I guess for you to undersand who I'm talking about i should make little profiles. Oh how cleshe right ?.

Sophie- My bestfriend , shes the complete opposit of me , populer , pretty and a social queen.

Callum- Boy bestfriend , hes an absolute laugh and is amazing at magic. Hes geeky looking and has no luck with the girls.

Jamie- shes increadbley shy and only ever talks to me but she is increadbly inteligent.

Brandon- My first love who is now one of my closest friends , we ended on ok terms even though I am still madly inlove with him.

So they are the main people you need to know about. I'm pretty sure your going to hear about them quite alot as they are my everyday life. They keep me smiling and thats important !. So what have i got planned this summer holiday ? well theres Egypt , the beach , the theme park and maybe a fue partys here and there ! oh and my birthday they day i go back to school !.

25th July 2013

Dear Diary                                                                                                                                                                                         Woke up with a text from Callum telling me to meet him and Sophie at the beach, god knows why they were down there so early. I had a shower , did my hair , put on a bikini then left for the beach. My brother Tommy (17) was in the kitchen cooking pancakes. We got on really well and i love my brother to peices. His girlfriend stayed over last night so he was making her breakfast. It was 25 degrees outside and boy could I feel it. The beach wasnt that much of a walk , only down the road. Callum was sitting on the bench next to Sophie. 'great news guys' he said , 'we're going to clackton for a week if your up for it ?'. Callums grandparents owned a 3 bedroom caravan on one of thoughs holiday parks and had said that he could bring us down for a week. I'm defently up for it , its just wheather mum would let me go. I'm sure she would , I mean it was my dad who was the strict one. A week away with my bestfriends is just what I need . So i went home and asked my mum if i could go as we were ment to leave tomorrow. Thankfully she said yes so i got my bags out and started packing. Sophies sleeping tonight and then were going to meet Callum tomorrow morning. But tonight its going to just me me and my girl !. Popcorn , Ben and Jerrys and neflix. shes coming over in about an hour so im just setting everything up. Brandon texted me today saying he wanted to see me at some point. It wasnt easy to see him as he lived in Hertfordshire and cost £20 a train ticket, plus I dont think his parents are too keen after i broke up with him. But hes insisting that there ok with me so I guess I could. I genuinly miss him like crazy. Just walked past my brothers room to him making out with his girlfriend , oh how pleasent ! dont they know how to close the door. She never seems to go home, she might as well be living here ! , oh god now that would be tradgic if she did live here. Mum gave me £30 to spend whilst im there , It will all be gone within 3 days knowing me. Anyway I blabber on far too much and sophies here so im gonna go now.

26th July 2013

Dear Diary                                                                                                                                                                                         Woke up at 6:30 to see Sophie rummaging through my things picking out anything she wanted to wear. We were the same size in everything so we'd trade clothes all the time. She always wanted to look her best. She always did !. I guess you could say she was a female player. Shes not a virgin , she lost it when she was 14 to a guy she thought she loved ... it ended a week later. Ever since she hasnt trusted a guy to get serious. She flirts , gets them interested and then sleeps with them just like a player. Made sure I had everything on my check list : clothes , makeup , money , phone charger , phone charged up and earphones. Got the text from Callum to come and meet him and then that was it , off on the holiday ive been waiting to go on !. The car journy took an hour to get there. It wasnt too bad , Callums grandparents had kiss on so we sat there singing the whole time. All Callum kept going on about how hes going to do magic at the talent compertition , hes amazing so i know he'll win !. We got to the caravan and unpacked strait away. Me and Sophie went into are room and started getting ready to go swiming , it was 12 so we had time to go. I was excited because i finnaly got to wear my bikini ! , I got it months ago and now its summer I can use it. We got to the pool and its was pretty full. The first thing Sophie obvoisly did was scan the room for guys. I never did this but I always played the part of the wingwoman. People our age who go on thease holidays usually bring a mate. I am the distraction for the friend whilst Soph chats up some random boy. This occasion was no different. She spotted a guy and before I could run off in Callums direction she grabbed hold of my arm and took me to the boys. She would always go for the same kind of guy ... and what i mean by that is she always goes for guys like her ex (the virginity theif) as she calles him. This guy was called Harry and his friend was called Edward. They were 16 year old boys from kent. Soph dragged Harry away and worked her magic and left me to ocupie edward. He was a sweet guy and seemed interested in me but all I can think about is STUPID BRANDON. Maybe I should give Ed a chance. He is gorgeous , charming , funny and SO cute !. We agreed to meet the guys at the club house at 9pm so we'd have time to make ourselves presentable without clorine in my hair !. Me , Callum and Soph walked to the chippy for dinner. God it was lush. When we got back to the van I put on my purple short shorts and my cherry top. Took me 10 minuets to decide wheather I wanted to straiten my hair or tie it up... I opted for the straitners and my hair bobble snapped. When we got there Callum went strait to the archade to waist all his money on the slot mechines. I wouldnt ever let him lose in vegus. Sophie was scanning the area for the boys. There they were , standing at the bar. With pure confidence we walked up to them. They were standing with a few other guys who didnt look as nice and charming as them. We all went to the beach , I had to drag Callum out of the archade as i didnt want to go alone. 'So whos up for a spliff' Harry said. I couldnt believe what i was hearing , SPLIFF? as in weed ?. I kept my mouth shut , there was no way that I was going to embaress myself infront of Ed. It got passed round and Soph was the first totake a drag. It got to Ed and he refused 'I dont do spliff anymore , sorry mate' , that relived me a little becuase i wouldnt be the only one to turn it down. In all honesty i felt completely uncomftable with the whole weed smoking situation. Ed could sence this so he took me by the hand and walked me back to the archade. He did the whole winning lots of tickets act to seem cute and oh did I fall for it. I fell so hard that for 3 hours I didnt even think about Brandon. Soph and Callum finally came back to the clubhouse at 12:34 , pissed and very high. I said goodbye to Ed and took the two piss heads back to the van. I dont see myself getting any sleep tonight as Sophie wont shut her mouth !. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2013 ⏰

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