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• Dave's POV •

"Woooo!!" Lars yells, downing a bottle of beer. He is stood ontop of my table, and it looks like its about to break.

"Lars.." I mumble, drunk.

Lars dances on the table.

"Lars.." I say a little louder.

He still ignores me and carries on jumping and dancing.

"Lars..!" I yell a little.

The annoying git doesn't stop.

"Get the fuck down," I shout, stumbling and falling over someone's foot that is purposely sticking out.

I look up to see Kirk Hammett, the guitarist in Exodus, stood above me laughing.

"Get up you ginger prick," he laughs, holding out his hand.

I scowl and stand up, immediately punching him in the face.

I look over to see Lars staring at a broken table... I get even more pissed.

"Lars!!!" I scream, running over to him and grabbing him by the neck, "I told you to get down from there!"

"D..ave.. Let.. Go.. I.. Can't bre--" Lars chokes.

I don't let go until I feel something hard slam into the side of my head.

Cliff.. Cliff had punched me very hard.

"What the fuck man!" I shout.

"Dave! Stop, you get violent when you're drunk!" Cliff yells, grabbing my shoulders and shaking them.

"Me? Violent? You're the one who just punched me across the face!" I scream over the loud music.

"You were strangling Lars! And you nearly knocked Kirk out too..!"

I clench my fists and leave the room.

I bump into James on the way out.

"Woah.. Dude what's up?" He asks, a concerned look on his face.

"I don't even know.." I sigh, stumbling out of the house onto the street.

A car comes speeding down the road as I'm crossing. It screeches go a halt and allows me to cross, I stumble to the other side of the road.

I collapse on the floor and all I see is black..


"Dave?? Dave wake up!"

I open my eyes to see a mop of blonde hair and two blue glimmering eyes looking directly at me.

"James? James is that you?" I mumble, hungover.

"Dave, you passed out on the side of the road!" James explains, shaking me slightly.

I look around to see I'm lying in the middle of the street.

"Huh? Oh.. Everyone could see me couldn't they?" I ask.

James nods and helps me up.

He leads me into the house and lays me on the sofa. I check the time and see it's only 8 in the morning.

Lars walks in rubbing his neck. A look of terror crosses his face as he sees me.. I then remember what happened last night.

He quickly leaves the room and I see a look of confusion on James' face.

"Uh, what's going on?" he asked.

"Umm.. Heh, its a long story.." I state, running a hand through my hair.

"Okay, explain," he insists.

I explain everything that happened, but I make it sound like it was mostly everyone else's fault.

"Oh, Dave you do get violent when you're drunk.. Maybe you need to cut down on the drinks," James suggests.

"No way! I can cope.. Trust me.." I insist.

"Well.. I don't think you can, you do get very violent and it's not good for you or the people around you," he explains with a concerned tone to his voice.

"Well, I'll try and control it, I will I promise.." I say, standing up.

James watches me as I go to get some food.

"Want anything?" I ask, opening the fridge.

"Nah I'm good," he replies, laying back on the sofa a little.

"If you insist," I say, making some toast for myself.

After making the toast I sit down next to James and we chat for a bit. James is really the only person in the band who I fully trust, I look up to him.

He is everything I want to be. He's caring, kind, always looks out for you, he can sing amazingly and play guitar like a God, and he also knows how to have a good time.

I notice James looking at me and biting his lip.

I choke on my toast a little.

"Woah, do you want some water?" He says, immediately standing up.

"I'm fine, trust me," I insist.

James sits back down and we carry on talking for a while until Cliff walks in.

"Hi James," he says, avoiding eye contact with me.

I roll my eyes and get up to leave.

"Dave.. Come back," James pleads, beckoning for me to sit back down.

I shake my head, "I'd rather not.."

"Aww," James moans. How cute.

I go upstairs to my room and decide to play guitar a bit. Fuck the neighbours, I don't care if it's 'too early'.

Lars comes into my room slowly.

"Um.. Dave?" He says, rubbing his neck.

"What?" I ask, annoyed.

"Can you tell me why you attacked me yesterday?" He asks, quietly.

"Uh, you broke my table!" I yell slightly.

"That's all?"

"Well.. Not exactly.. I was drunk too," I add.

"Hm.." Lars nods.

"Just. . Don't worry about it, I'm sorry okay?" I apologise having calmed down slightly.

"It's fine, just try and control it next time," he smiles and leaves.

I roll my eyes as he leaves and I decide to carry on playing.

I am controlling myself for James, not you Lars..

Wait.. What an I thinking? I'm doing this for my benefit, not James'

Well.. Actually, I may be doing it for James.. And myself obviously.

I really don't want James to hate me, that would be the worse...

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