Chapter one Let's Begin

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These times don't get any easier, over the past years they've gotten harder.

It started with terror attacks, everywhere you looked it was something about a different city across the world. I never truly felt fear at its fullest, fear was just an emotion I never felt, until now. One thing my dad told me growing up is to never let fear win, and now I've let him down, because it has.

Terror is the new face that rules the world, from general terror to attacks. The attacks are what get you, never knowing if it's going to happen in your city, or somewhere else. Going to school is general terror, with this new face, no one goes. For the fear of a mad man with a gun, or the girl with a knife. It seems there's always something making me not leave the comfort of my bed, oh wait, that something is fear.

No one leaves the base unless they have too, so no one rarely does, the last time someone left, they never came back. I haven't left the base in over 6 months, that's when the general fear rolled in. That's when everyone stopped leaving regularly. No one ever talks about the outside ether, we never hear anything good, so why leave the base? I don't plan on leaving anymore. Because, I can't look at fear in the face, not quite yet, or never.

6 months before

"I can't wait till this is all over!" Jemma screams as we pull into the parking lot.

"Okay. Calm down kiddo! We have a few more months, then, graduation." I say pulling into my normal parking spot. I Pull out my breakfast, which was just a granola bar, and began to eat it when I hear a knock on my door.

AH Jemma and I scream, almost like it was timed.

"Let me in assholes!" Carson says as he continues to bang on my car windows. I unlock my car doors.

"Very, god Nova, do you know how cold it is out there!" He sounds like a little girl when he whines. I look at my dash-bored where is tells me the weather.

"Yeah Carson, it's negative fifteen and you had to walk, we hear it every day." I say shoving my granola bar into my mouth. Carson pulls out a bagel, which was frozen. That made Jemma laugh, which she never does ever since terror rolled into town.

"Shit, class starts in two minutes!" I say and turn off the car and wait for Jemma and Carson to grab their stuff so we can run inside. My class is right around the corner, so I walk in and Mr.Daniles stops me.

"Nova, you know the rule." He says caring the e out so he sounds like Carson's whining.

"I know, if I'm late I have to share!" As I say that I pull out one more granola bar.

"Oo, peanut butter, you know me so well. Go ahead sit down." He shews me to my spot in the front of the science lab. I take my spot, and my Lab Partner I think his name is Robby isn't there. So I pull out my notebook and a pen to take notes. I was named after the creation of new stars, so taking astronomy seemed right.

See, Mr. Daniles is the easiest teacher I've ever had, cause he has a fascination with my father work, a little to much. So I get away with a lot of things in this class, more than a student should. My father is a scientist for the military, he creates weapons for the military. Mr.Daniles is really into that I guess. I'm just taking the class to graduate. I put in my headphones to drown out Mr. D's voice, and I start to write down the notes.

Who knew doing that would distract me from the first signs of general terror.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2016 ⏰

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