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I've watched Snapped a thousand times. First 48 a thousand more. I'm probably pretty skilled in murdering someone and getting away with it scott  free. I could put cyanide in a meal and use spices to cover the taste. I could strategically position a body and a gun to make it look like a suicide – I seen it on an episode last week.

My husband was in the hospital, hanging on to hope. I stared down at his body hooked up to all those machines and I sort of wanted to laugh.

I felt guilty only a little bit, then I remembered the hell he put me through and a smirk pulls at the sides of my lips.

It was day three in the hospital, I was here once again. Victoria wanted to see her father. I had to come all the time. Be a good mother. No matter what happened between their parents, our children still loved him. They didn't see the cold hearted truth. They didn't know what happened behind closed doors.

Victoria hummed to herself a sweet melody as she played in his hair. She loved him deeply. More than I loved him, I think. He loved her back. And that was enough for me. She was his twin. I watched them for a second.

Minutes passed as the machines played their usual beats creating a harmonious tune of life support. I listened and even kept up with the exhalation and inhalation of the ventilator pumping his damaged lungs with air.

Before Victoria had entered the hospital room, before her grandmother had dropped her off, I was alone with my husband. I leaned down to his neck, snarled in a whisper, "I hope you die." He couldn't respond. He couldn't react to what I said, I don't even think he could hear me. But I meant every word.

"He's a strong man. With that many wounds and injuries, anyone else would've died a long time ago." Dr. Herbert had explained to me before. "You have a very strong man. Your family is lucky."

I had smiled back at the friendly doctor.

Little did he know, I still wanted him to die.

A knock sounded at the door. It was Beautiful. My best friend since childhood years. She came over, kissed my cheek, and squeezed Tori's cheeks. "How are you holding up?" She worried.

"I'm holding."

She cut her eyes at my husband where he laid, and spoke to me where only I could hear. "I'm not here for his ass. Just checking up on you."

I laughed.

"What you gonna do if he don't wake up?" She asked.

I shrugged. I didn't have a real thought out answer. "We'll be doing funeral arrangements. I've already tried to get in contact with his life insurance. There's enough for a vacay to Cancun. We could go, me, you, the girls."

"Are you serious?" Beautiful giggled into her head, her cheeks turning red even in her dark skin. "You are something else. You can't be saying that type of stuff in front of people!"

"It's just you. Tori can't understand us."

"Uh..." She shoved her thumb in the direction of the hospital bed.

I chuckled. "He can't hear you."

"Bitch he's in a coma, not deaf. He can hear yo ass."

My eyes landed on his body and my smile instantly disappeared. The ventilator began to sound off alarming the nurse's station. "Mommy, what's happening?" Victoria said in a panic.

I couldn't answer. I was stuck. Shook. Vincent's brown eyes opened and connected with mine. Fuck.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2016 ⏰

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