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This wasn't the best day of your life. You have recently moved into a house, it didn't help that you found out that your friend had passed away. You've overheard something from the cops, something about no evidence was found that your friend was killed by a human. You found that incredibly stupid, to be honest. So they're saying they were killed by an alien? Tsk, yeah right!

Right now you were sitting in your living room on your couch. You pressed yourself against the corner, hugging the cushion tightly. You couldn't get over the fact you lost your friend, your best friend. Well, your friend had been acting weird for the past 3 years. I mean, they were avoiding you for some weird reason, which you wanted to find out.

Every time you came to visit them, there were these strange plushies on their bed. Honestly, you felt uneasy around them... you could feel bad energy coming from these things and you knew their death had something to do with those things.

After your friend's death, you bought had taken in the plushies. You knew you'd get in trouble for taking 'evidence', but what the cops don't know won't hurt.

So you sat on the couch, your gaze glued to a certain brown bear plush. You couldn't help but notice it was staring right back at you, which was making you very uncomfortable. Four other plushies sat behind the bear plush; a red pirate fox, yellow chicken, golden bear, and a purple bunny. Oh, lets not forget a golden bunny. That plush had teeth! Sharp ones too. What kind of plush has teeth, anyway?!

You frown. You didn't like those plushies, not a single bit. You toss the cushion next to you and got off the couch. You stared down the plushies, and they stared right back at you. If these six plushies were a team, then one of them is the leader, right? By the looks of it, that brown bear there looked like the leader of these guys. So you assumed it was that one.

You reached down to grab the brown bear plush, lifting it up to your eye level. You both stared at each other for a moment. You frown at the plush.

"I know what you did to F/N." You mutter. The tone of your voice said that you were planning on having your revenge on them. As soon as you said that, the bear plush shot you one hell of a death glare, while the rest just seemed shocked. As if asking themselves 'How did she/he know?'.

"You're going to regret it, I swear on my word I will make you regret everything." You threatened, tossing the plush onto the table like it was some piece of paper or whatever.

And with that, you make you turn to your heels and walk to the kitchen.


You had just finished cooking yourself dinner. You felt like having [Favorite Food] tonight, so that's what you were going to eat. Grabbing your bowl/plate, you walk to your kitchen table and took seat on the chair. You took a bite from your food, as you did, you noticed the same brown bear was sitting right in front of you on the table.

You furrowed your eyebrows, what was that thing doing here? You saw it in the living room not too long ago. Well, if those things could kill your friend, then they should be able to move around... right? Especially when you're not looking directly in their direction.

You chewed and swallowed. You put the fork/spoon/sandwich down and snatched the bear plush. You two exchanged glares, you hated that plush already!

"So you're gonna start following me around, huh? If you're trying to scare me you're gonna have to try harder, bitch, because I'm not crazy... I know exactly what you are!" You snapped. The plush glared at you, the look in its eyes said that that thing wanted to harm you, but couldn't.

You flashed the plush a smug smirk. You take another bite from your food and stood from the seat, pushing the chair in. You held the bear plush close, and walked upstairs to your bedroom. You toss the plush onto your bed and grabbed the laptop that sat on your nightstand next to your bed. You sat on your bed, open the laptop and began searching on google from the plushies.

You couldn't find anything, these things must have names, right? But their appearance just seem so familiar to you, like you've seen them before in the past. You continue searching, nothing came up. You huff in frustration, you thought hard, very hard. Then it hit you.

"Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!" You exclaimed. You remember going there when you were a kid, but it got shut down, unfortunately. You don't remember why though.

The laptop rested on your lap, your focus was on the bear plush. It looked like Freddy Fazbear; the hat, bow tie, blue eyes, and its a bear. You reach out to grab the plush and started examining it carefully.

"So... your name is Freddy..." You mutter, your E/C eyes gazing into its electric blue ones. You gotta admit, Freddy's eyes were pretty nice.

And that was when you noticed the smug smirk on his fluffy face, you only frown. You didn't expect that thing to be able to even read your thoughts.

With a growl, you toss Freddy onto your bed and close your laptop, setting it back down gently on your nightstand. You steal a glance from your digital alarm clock to see it was only 9:00pm. It was early, but you felt sleepy... very sleepy. You stretched your arms over your head, letting out a good long sleepy yawn.

You were too tired to change into your sleepwear, so you just slump down on your bed sheets. You forgot you had left your stuffed F/A in your closet, that was a Christmas from your grandparents when you were just a baby. You two share the same age now. 19 years old.

But honestly, you can't sleep without cuddling stuffed animal and Freddy was the only thing next to you. You were too tired to even care that the thing was Freddy, you just grabbed the plush and snuggled it.

.....You swore you just heard it grumble just now. It must hate cuddles. Heh, then you might as well cuddle it often!  

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