Prison Food

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There is nothing more beautiful than being surrounded by your friends... In prison. Security guards, administration that watches your every move, steep consequences for breaking a rule, terrible food, and unsavory people. Westlake High School. Okay, so maybe it wasn't prison but you have to admit that the similarities are uncanny. It is a beautiful scene to behold though, every student conversing with their friends, laughing and smiling, forgetting for mere moments that they're state-mandated to be there. The popular kids sitting towards the back, trading the day's latest gossip on boyfriend-snatchers and fights. The nerds close to the door, ready to bolt at the ringing of the bell, ready to get back to learning. And in the center resides our main interest- a cheery group of friends with witty retorts at the ready and always willing to give out a hug.

If I had the say, these would be the popular kids. They are cool, smart, and reliable. Their names were Ray, Daisy, Dean, and Karter. On this particular episode of "Who's Who at Westlake?", they were discussing prom dates. Ray had a boyfriend who was sure to ask her at any minute, whereas the rest of them looked off gloomily when asked. Daisy, the shyest of the group was secretly hoping that no one had dates so that they could all go together. Dean had been dating the same girl for so long that there was no point in asking who he was taking.

Karter James, constantly on the cuff of not being noticed by guys and secretly wanting their attention anyway, began to doze off. She was cool... or so she thought. She was cute... or so she thought. She was interesting... or so she thought. As these thoughts swarmed around her head she began to fall deeper asleep, no point in listening further when everyone knew she would not be getting a coveted Prom-Proposal.

In this dream, John walks in with his friends and shoos them away as he nears Karter's lunch table. He thought to himself, "She has got to be the most beautiful girl in the whole school," as he watched her laughing with her friends. Her had adored her since they had class together the year before. She was one of the only girls able to match his wits and humor. Alas, he feared that she did not return his affections.

He walks over and sits down next to her, trying to come up with something charming to say.
"Hey John! Haven't seen you all day," Karter started to say before noticing his pallor. "You're looking a bit pale today, are you alright Johnny-Boy," she asked using the nickname he hated, knowing it would elicit a laugh. He chuckled, but inwardly he was embarrassed that he didn't speak when sitting down.
"Yea I'm great Karter, just thinking and wondering about...," John replied.
Karter noticed his hesitation.
"Do you wanna spill or keep me waiting for you to return from outer space silly?" Karter asked in order to snap him out of it. John could wait no longer, he decided to just go for it before he lost his nerve. He pulled her out of the cafeteria and snuck them by the prison guards to lead her to her locker.

"I was going to wait until you came to your locker before last period but I am so nervous so I'll just do it now," John said just as the bell rang.
Teenagers flooded the hallway just as the Karter opened her locker to find a Teddy Bear. Five big paper hearts spilled out of her locker and written on each of the bright red pieces spelled out was P-R-O-M-?
It was the coolest thing in both John and Karter's mind. His nervousness as he waited for her response mixed with her surprise and the excitement of the crowd that had gather mingled perfectly. The moment was primed as Karter looked at John as he says "Will you go to prom with me Karter?"
And this time... without any hesitation, she hugged him and said "Yes! Of course John!"

But alas... It was all a dream. Karter awakes as she hears the real bell dismiss everyone from lunch. Back to prison. Back to class. John-less and Prom-Proposal-less... Karter James walks off to class laughing with her friends. She realized that they were all she needed. :)

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