Chapter 1: Life

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Well... I have a lot to explain about my life, so I am going to go very far back. By that I mean right back to when I had just hatched from my egg! It was a beautiful sunny day when I hatched from my egg. I still remember being nearly blinded by the light and adjusting to the light. The first thing I got to see was my parents, my brother, and sister. My parents were both Lucario; my mom was named Lucina, for an obvious reason... Lucario, Lucina? You see the resemblance? My dad was called Aaron, as his original trainer really enjoyed the legend of Sir Aaron and his Lucario. There was never really anything special about them, other than their passion for peace. They both despised fighting, and I loved that in them; that is rare for a Lucario. I hatched shortly after my brother and he hatched after my sister. My sister was named Aura, and my brother was named Cobalt, but they weren't given those names until they were offered to new trainers. Oh! And my name is Luco! Pretty cool, if I do say so myself!

Shortly after me, my brother, and my sister hatched from our eggs, we were given to a few of our trainers' friends. It wasn't so bad though, because they all lived in the same town and we were never put in PokeBalls, so I still got to see my family. We were also named by our new 'Trainers'. My trainer named me Luco. My brother and sister were named by their Trainers!

Occasionally, we would all get a day or two together and it would normally revolve around me and my siblings play fighting. Dad would split us up if it got too violent, but that was very rare. Even though Mom and Dad didn't enjoy fighting, they were happy to let us fight, because they saw that it entertained us. One day our trainers caught us fighting and they thought it was a good idea to make us try to get the other to faint. We never allowed ourselves to go that far, but our trainers didn't take it too well and they refused to let us see each other until we grew stronger. Aura and Cobalt grew pretty fast -- they took to violence without a thought -- they would try to win every battle no matter what it took.

I turned out different, however. I had only ever made one other Pokemon faint, and it was a total accident! Commonly, I would find a tree to punch; it was to help relieve stress, but one day I was punching a tree and a little Wurmple was wiggling around. I punched the tree so hard that a branch fell down and hit the Wurmple with force. I heard it cry, and then it lay motionless on the floor... I remember running back to my trainer in tears, jumping about, and yelling to get his attention, but all he did was laugh! I had no idea what to do, so I ran back to where the Wurmple was, but it was gone. I hoped that it perhaps got saved by another trainer, but I never found out.

It was that day I tried to give up on violence, even if it was just on a tree. I had hurt a Pokémon, and I felt awful!

My trainer stopped paying much attention to me after that; he saw that I wasn't violent and he knew that I wouldn't hurt anyone anymore. Shortly later, I started leaving my trainer's side without him noticing. I would go to see my mom and dad and sometimes Cobalt and Aura. It was nice to see all of them and I loved seeing Mom and Dad, because they weren't violent either. I felt welcomed. Normally, they would tell me about things they have done in the past and places they have seen. I didn't get along with Cobalt or Aura, though. They were rather violent then, and every time I saw them, they wanted to 'battle'. Commonly, I would tolerate the hits until they stopped or run away. I didn't want to fight them. Aura was a lot more forgiving than Cobalt, she would never try to actually hurt me, but she still wanted to fight a lot, which I disfavored. Cobalt, on the other hand, was very violent. He had hurt me countless times, but I was the kind of Pokémon to not show my pain, but that eventually led to my suffering.

Aura had found a bunch of these bizarre candies in her trainer's bag. It was labelled as "Rare Candy". She told me to try one and they were really sweet and yummy; they made you feel stronger for some reason, too! Before I didn't understand what they did, for I just thought they were a strange candy. I went over to see my brother to show him these candies, but as always he just wanted to fight. "Come on, Luco! I want to test my strength!" He looked at me with optimism.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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