Moving in with the Jerk/Hot/Player of my school??? Are you kidding me!!

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Chapter 1

Heather's POV

"Heather, hurry up!! Or you are going to be late for school"

"I am almost done!"

Oh sorry. Hi, I'm Heather as you already have noticed; I'm a senior at Abraham Lincoln high school here in Brooklyn, NY. I just got here like 2 months ago when my life according to my parents "has just begun"

I used to live in Manhattan at the Upper East Side and I was studying at Brearley High School; (it's a girls private school in Manhattan) where all rich families enroll their daughters, so they can go to Ivy leagues colleges when they finish.

You must be wondering; why am I living now in Brooklyn?

Well... my dad was a prestigious lawyer, but he got into a huge fight with his boss, so he quitted his job. He told us that his job wasn't worth it anymore, but when he started looking for another job at different Law Firms nobody wanted him. He thought it was really weird because he was a really good lawyer, so after a few months we sold our apartment and we have been living with the money that the buyers gave us.

My mom doesn't work, she is more into hobbies. She loves to paint, but she thinks that she is not that great as for be selling her work (Which I totally disagree with. I think all her work is really awesome and beautiful) I have told her that she should open a gallery, but she says that she doesn't want other people making fun of what she is doing.

She is really a great mom and wife; she has always been there for me and my dad.

My dad is really great too, although; before all this mess he was always at his job and I never catch a glimpse of him, but now that he is always here I realized that he is a really cool dad (not that I can say when something is cool) Yes. You have guessed right... I'm a total looser, and I always liked it this way (well, I don't really like it, like it... it's more like I deal with it) At Brearley I had only 1 friend, and most of the time I didn't saw her because she was always studying to be the best of our class. I was pretty much alone, but I didn't care. (That's what I kept telling myself)

You must be thinking that I'm really smart, well... I am, but it's not like I don't study my ass off at every exam. I am not someone who likes the type of career that represses your creativity and your dreams. I'm more into music, so I loved it when I changed schools.

I was only there because my dad was making a great effort to get me in. I always had great grades because I have a lot of free time to study. I never told my dad that I wasn't really happy there, and that I didn't want to go to Harvard medicine school as he always thought.

Who would guess that the only thing my dad knew about me was that I wanted to be a Dr? When I was like 4!! But it's okay, I don't have to worry about it anymore. The only thing that he regrets more about losing his job is that I have to stop studying at Brearley. (I don't)

So now that you know that, I can tell you more about my situation right now. I am 17 years old, and I'm tall like 5'7 but you can't actually notice because I'm always walking like if I was hiding from the sun, which isn't helping me because my skin is really pale, like white pale.

I have green eyes which I really like because they look like two big emeralds, and I have long blond hair that almost gets to my waist, but of course it has frizz like crazy. I'm kind of a tomboy, but only in what I wear; my signature outfit will be... a huge sweater in winter (obviously), and when it's summer just a really big shirt with some kind of cartoon drawing on it, baggy jeans (ALWAYS) and of course my pair of converse.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2010 ⏰

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Moving in with the Jerk/Hot/Player of my school??? Are you kidding me!!Where stories live. Discover now