Chapter 11

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It was about seven in the morning when I woke up, and I was in a great mood. I like the mornings, and I can stay up all night. Hopefully that will come in handy when the college years roll around.

I got out of bed and twisted around so my back would crack. That feeling right there is the bomb.

I walked over to my door and yelled down the stairs, "Hey Mom, are you making breakfast?"

"Chase! I am not your servant, if you want food, then you can make it yourself!" Mom yelled back.

"So you are making breakfast?" I asked, smiling to myself.

"And you are doing dishes. Now hurry up and get down here. You have to unload the dishwasher and set the table."

I swear to God it was Daniel's day for dishes.

"Okay, I'll send Daniel down to unload." I said, walking to Daniel's room.

"I don't care as long as it gets done!" Mom yelled.

I knocked on Daniel's door, and walked in.

"D, it's time to- Oh, hey Erik. I didn't know you two were having a slumber party." I winked.

"What do you want Chase?" Daniel asked rubbing his eyes.

"Mom wants you to unload the dishwasher and Erik to set the table. Pronto." I said, walking out the door before any argument could be made.

Sweet, I just got out of morning chores.

I went back into my room, and into the bathroom to brush my hair. When done, I went over to my closet where, on the ground, was Guinness, my French bulldog. He was a dark red, and was also passed out on the bed I put in there for when he didn't sleep with me.

"Guinness." I said in a cheery voice.

He looked up sleepily, and looked back down. Lazy dog.

"Guinness, give me kisses, and you can get a puppy treat."

And the ears go up. Freaking dogs.They always want food.

"Thank you. Yes, oh yes." I said in a playful way to my boy, petting his head.

"Let's go boy." I said, heading downstairs to all of our breakfast.

"Good morning, familia!" I sang terribly.

I just got disturbed glances from everyone. Rude.

Grabbing some orange juice, after feeding Guinness, I walked over to the table where the food was being placed.

Mom made bacon, toast, eggs, and cut up some pineapple.

"Looks good." I said looking up to my mom who was taking her seat.

"Thanks. Now dig in." She said, grabbing a piece of toast.

We all ate breakfast, and talked about what we were going to be doing today.

"Well, I will be home preparing for tonight's dinner for when Mr. Chambers drops by." My mom said, looking my direction.

"Are you going to need any help, Mom?" I said, hoping she wouldn't.

"No, you're dad will be here to help out. Go do whatever you want to. Just be home by six. David is expected over at six-thirty."

Yes! I can do something that doesn't require a stove or dust rag.

"What are you boys doing today?" Mom asked, pointing her fork at Daniel and Erik.

"Well, we were going to go to the new art exhibit in the next town over, but someone took away my car keys." Daniel said smiling at Mom.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2013 ⏰

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