Game Over

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  Red. Red. Red. Red.

That's all you saw. The bodies of your teammates. Blood mixed in with their hair, making it look even worse. All you could hear, was that laugh. It was horrible.


"Seijuro-san!" You ran over to the redhead, carrying books in your hands as you tried your best not to trip over your own two feet. The redhead turned to look over at you, and a soft look flickered in his crimson orbs. "Yes, (M/N)?" Akashi asked. Oddly enough, Akashi was nice to you, despite his personality. He was rather protective over you, and always looked out for you. Of course, there were different intentions behind those actions.

"I need your help with a few equations. As you know, I'm not exactly good at math, and since you are.." You pulled out a blue notebook from under the books, before opening it up to reveal scribbles and numbers scattered all over the page. You held the notebook out towards the point guard, and looked up at him with a few blinks of your eyes.

The redhead took the notebook, before looking at the notes. Ah, he loved your handwriting. It was so gentle and determined. Akashi ran his fingers across the page for a few minutes before clearing his throat, "Let's take this into the classroom, (M/N)." He looked over to you, staring deep into your (E/Ced) orbs.

You nodded eagerly and soon followed after Akashi into the empty classroom. Once you both sat down, Akashi began to explain to you about how to find the answers to the equations. As the redhead spoke, you were completely absorbed in the information that he was giving you.

Honestly, you respected Akashi a lot. He was smarter than anyone you knew, well excluding Midorima. But, still. There was no questioning why he was picked to be the captain at such an early age!

"Do you understand, (M/N)?" Akashi asked as he looked up at you with a raise of a brow. You nodded quickly, smiling happily. "Yes! Thank you so much, Seijuro-san!"

The point guard nodded, and crossed his arms over his chest. "(M/N), do you have any plans for today?" Akashi asked, well, more like demanded to know.

"Eh..well, Ryouta-san was going to go shopping with me for new shoes, because my old ones got worn down." You muttered, holding your chin. "Then, Daiki-san said that he wanted to play video games with me as well." You looked back at Akashi, and was confused when you saw a malicious glint in his eyes.

"Cancel them." Akashi commanded and stood up from the chair.

"What? I can't! That would be rude to the both of them! I can make plans with you tomorrow, Seiju--"

Akashi glared down at you. This was the first time that you had ever been glared at by the redhead, and instantly shrunk back into your seat.

"Cancel. Them." He repeated, moving closer to you.

"I..I can't. Please understand.." You whimpered, biting down on your lip out of habit.

"Do not make me repeat myself a third time, (M/N)." The redhead's voice became a bit louder and more stern. He placed his hands on both sides of the seat, trapping you.

"S-Seijuro-san..please." You whispered, your hands began to shake in fear. What was going on with him?

There was silence for about five minutes. The two of you had an unnerving staring contest, waiting to see who would dare break the eye contact.

Akashi was the first one to do so. He moved away from you as he walked towards the door with a not-so-pleased expression written all over his face.

"Fine then, (M/N). If you wish to be stubborn, then I will just get rid of your plans for you." There were so many mixed feelings in Akashi's voice, it sent a massive shiver down your spine.

You didn't even move as you watched him leave the classroom. All you could do, was sit there. Completely frozen and terrified to the core. This wasn't the Akashi that you knew. This was someone else, and you did not like it one bit.

"Who..was that..?" You asked yourself, letting out the breath that you didn't know you've been holding for so long.

(Back to present)

You ran down the hall, forcing your legs to move faster. Nothing made sense anymore. It was all a complete lie, as your whole life shattered. Your friends that you loved so much, were dead and messed up beyond recognition. You could hear his laugh, the way he said your name over and over again in that taunting voice.

'Leave me alone!' That's all that went through your mind.

Finally, you ran into what seemed to be the supplies closet. It was dark, and the air was dry. But, it was better than just running only to get nowhere. You covered your mouth, trying to calm yourself down. You could hear your heart racing, and the rush of your blood. Where was he? Was he coming? Did he give up? Did a teacher catch him?

Were you safe? That was a ridiculous question. Of course you weren't safe! You're being chased by a redheaded psycho, and god knows what can happen now.

Just as fate has predicted, the closet door was opened and heterochromic eyes stared back into your (E/Ced) ones. Your heart stopped, and all you could feel, was death.

"I found you, (M/N). This game of tag, is now over."

Then, everything went black.  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2016 ⏰

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