Woah man I smell snickers and it was making me hungry .We entered the spiffy looking game room and the scent of snickers became stronger. My stomach made that low grumbling sound that no one seemed to notice. Man, I was getting so freaking hungry . I grabbed Kina's arm and pulled it. When she turned and looked at me she new what was about to happen.
"I can't believe you attacked Nick and Prince for some snicker bars" Said Tiny who seemed to like the couch so much that he only turned around when I Hotlined Nick in the neck for all his beutiful brown snickers.
"Yea, I should have warned you what would happen when she got hungry " giggled a knowing Kina.
Man , I should have said something but so freakin stupid. I looked at Prince who had a big bite mark on his now red hand . Looking at Prince more closely I can tell by his red eyebrows that he dyed his hair black . Kiky loves her some red hair . . . all over . . . I sound like Kiky now ha.
"Diry , what do you have in your fridge to chew on before Kiky has another attack." I asked.
Diry , who looked protective of his bag of skittles , was curled in a ball on the couch. Then I heard the giggle . Did I mention that Chris was "gay-alious" as he describes his self. Even though he looks all tough he will lick a lollipop slowly for fun.
Everyone turned around hearing Chris. The boys were surprised but Kiky and I know what was going on in his blond head of his.
We saw a white boy ready to pounce on some meat.
They saw a giggling dude rolling a lollipop over his tongue slowly ."So you having fun over there" asked a nervous Prince. " Yeah babe dont worry about me I shall be the one to handle anything that is hard for you" Chris said all sexy-ish.
"Oh ok " the nervousness increasing in Princes words. This is to funny . I wish could video tape Princes reactions.
"You ok dude you look all pale" I asked knowingly. He said nothing just looked at me like he needed help. I felt a giggle rise up but I held it down with all my awesomeness.
(AN: Writers block)
Two Worlds Forced Together (Interracial love) Remake
HumorKina is known for her stubborn feelings. She reads to much and it caused her to block her feelings so she wouldn't be fazed by the jealousy and hurt she felt from male book characters. When she finds out about her lovely marriage those feelings come...