So alike yet so different, so crazy, yet sane. I look at you for answers and trust, hopeless yet hopeful. Fearful yet strong. When things go south you make them go north, for we without wings shall never sore, and we without wings shall never sing, and we without wings can never see who we are inside. Because we without wings are blind to why we are special. I one without wings suffer, I see doubt, anger, regret, fear, hate, I see the empty harts of thee like me. But in thee with wings I see hope, compassion, happiness, love, trust, friendship.
For we without hope are week.
For we without homes are week.
For we without love are week.
But we fight for who we are,
we do not fall,
we do not break,
we do not cry,
we hold what strength we gain and make it into something beautiful,
We turn others broken rundown unwanted fathers and make them into stunning wings so we without wing shall rise over the strong and rise out of the ash thee with wings make. I shall never give up because I know that we without wings are stronger in the end.