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Author's Note: Hi guys! Well, it's been so long. I actually wanted to write this story for quite some time now but I didn't know to start but then today, it came to me, finally.. I could not even concentrate on studying. Well, I'll regret that later so anyways, I'll continue this. I was inspired to write this because of Ghost Hunt. Actually, one of the character is named after one of the character in the manga. During summer, I re-watched and reread the series. It was an horror manga. I'll actually reveal a spoiler later. It was a really good series. I loved all of her works. As much as I want to turn this into a horror story, I could not bring myself too so this one is still a romance story. That's all. Enjoy reading.

Yeah, it's a one shot and thanks for stopping by. :D

It was a Saturday morning and the sky was clear, not even a single cloud. I was standing in a middle of a crowd wearing an all black and trying to hold back my tears. I was drowning in the words that the priest was saying as I kept praying that it was all a dream, a nightmare but I snapped out of it when they started putting the casket inside the grave. I held my breath as long as I could, hoping it would go away until I could not hold it anymore. I ran as fast as I can, as far as my legs would take me.

Before I could even recognize where I was, my breath quickened and the tears kept falling.  I was huffing and choking on my own saliva. I could taste the salty liquid and that rusty taste as I bit my lips so hard that it started bleeding. I had locked the door; I ran all the way to my house, in my room to be exact. I grasped my chest tightly. I was dizzy and lost. I could feel my whole body trembling and everything seemed distant. It was pitch black. I fell asleep on the floor with my hair and dress disheveled.

A knock on my door woke me up, “Joyce? Are you there? It’s already past dinner time.”

I groaned as I stretched slowly. I opened my mouth to speak and I suddenly felt that undeniable thirst as if I didn’t drink for who knew how long. It took me full five minutes before I could open the door. It was my sister who was standing behind it. Worry was plastered in her face. “Joyce,” she called softly and I hugged her then began crying once more.

Our parents were abroad, working that’s why it had always been my sister and I. We were staying in a small apartment near my school. I was on the last year of high school. It was after the first term and we were in our last summer break in senior high. My friends and I decided to in the mountains and camp for two days. We were all excited; thrilled that it was the first time we’ll be going without any adult supervision. Kate, a sister of my friend, was supposed to accompany us but she was suddenly called at work.

There were four girls and five boys in total, one pair was a couple. We are all classmates and one of them was Gene, my ultimate crush since ninth grade. We arrived early at the camp site and had started setting up the tents. There were four tents, I shared with Emma, Gene’s girlfriend, another was shared by the girls and the other two was shared with the boys which Gene was with Caleb. Yes, Gene already had a girlfriend. They started going out during the first term. I heard that Emma asked him out. I was flabbergasted when I learned that they were dating because I told Emma that I liked Gene but she came to me after, apologizing, she said with tears flowing from her eyes, “Oh God, I’m sorry, Joyce. I should have told you. I’m sorry. I’m selfish. I could not hide my feelings for Gene. Every time I see him, I would get this feeling. I’m so sorry; I knew you liked him first.”

My anger was at the maximum. I felt backstabbed but Emma was my friend and it was my fault not making the first move. Gene was a simple guy with a black hair and small eyes. He has a fair skin and not that tall. His eyes are black, the one that could melt you if you stared to long then he would smile. While Emma, she is slightly taller and meatier than me. She had the figure. She is cute especially with her curly hair.

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