Together in Hades

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Emizel was sitting at home watching tv because fukka thought it was good idear that emizel got a life of a normal person he was sitting in the bright house until he heard someone at the door he opened the door to see desco standing there hello mr emizel she said emizel smiled hey desco what are you doing here she smiled and said big sis wanted to be alone so desco came to see mr emizel he smiled well come in desco and emizel sat down and watched a movie desco was enjoying sitting with emizel thay sat there in silence until emizel spok so fukka wanted to be alone desco looked at him and said that what she told desco emizel smiled what ever the reason I'm glad i got to spend time with you desco blushed really emizel blushed at what he said yeah I'm Happy to spend time with you desco he said desco smiled and said i thought you hated being with desco emizel smiled and said what made you think that desco huged him no reason descos glad that she gets to spend time with emizel to he smiled and huged back emizel desco i wanted to say something to you for a long time what is it emizel the truth is i love you desco desco blushed desco loves you to emizel she looked into his eyes and kissed him on the lips he kissed back and than thay both fell asleep on the chair emizel farther walked in to the room to see them asleep in eachovers armes he smiled and left them alone knowing his son found love the end

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