The Day Everything Changed

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Author's Note

Hey everyone! Taking my first shot at writing a story! It's fiction so hopefully I catch your attention! Let me know if you guys have any cool suggestions or whatever. I love getting new ideas so feedback is awesome!

Other than that hope you all enjoy the story! :)


I woke up to a bright light shining down on my face. I slowly started moving realizing I should get out of bed. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 10:30am. Sighing I forced myself out of bed.

It was the beginning of June and I had just graduated high school not too long ago. It felt weird knowing I won't be going back to the same school in the fall. I remember how my last week of school played out. I was sitting in in class talking to my best friend Ashlynn about how we wanted to do insanely crazy things this summer.

"I totally think we should go on a road trip! Imagine how awesome that would be. Us, a car, and the whole country in front of us to travel across!" Ashlynn rambled out, smiling like she just got a new puppy. Ashlynn was the coolest girl I knew. She had chocolate brown curly hair that just fell a little lower than her shoulders. She had these pretty hazel and green eyes that just light up whenever she's excited. She was about 5'4" but she begs to differ. Ashlynn always seemed to be tan as well. I don't know how she did it but its like when she soaked up the sun rays they stayed with her for months! Her personality was the best though. She never let anyone's rude remarks bother her. She always worked to prove them wrong. And I love the caring heart she has as well.

"A road trip?", I laughed, looking at her like she was crazy, "And where will all this money come in for our road trip?"

She looked down and stared at her desk seriously for awhile. "Good point. I didn't think of that! Scratch that idea then."

The bell rang and we left class running into every couple in school on our way to our lockers.

"Why does everyone mock me with their love!", I sighed throwing my hands in the air.

Ashlynn turned to me with that motherly look she has. She always makes sure I'm doing good whether its school related or boy related.

"You will find someone in given time. Just wait for the right guy!"

I looked at her and rolled my eyes. "Like I haven't heard that a thousand times!"

Ashlynn glared at me. "You will! You're beautiful, just wait! I have a new idea for our summer adventures!" I looked at her with curiosity. I wonder what she is thinking in that devious mind of hers.

"We are gonna find you a boyfriend for the summer!", she squealed and dragged me to chemistry.

I smiled at the memory and made my way to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and hopped into the shower. I stood their for five minutes trying to fully wake up. After showering, I grabbed a towel and started to dry off. I wrapped the towel around me and went back to my room. I turned on the radio and my favorite song was playing. The Other Side by Jason Derulo. I pulled out my superhero T-shirt and my denim shorts. Of course putting my underwear on first I got dressed. I went back to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. For being me I saw myself as an average pretty girl. I had dark brown hair that was curly and fell to my shoulders. I had brown eyes with a hint of green in them. My smile was my best feature. My skin may not tan but it was a nice caramel color and after staring at myself for a few minutes I went back to my room.

I looked back at the clock and saw it read 11:15am. I looked out the window to see how sunny it was. It was barely cloudy and there seemed to be a nice breeze blowing. Maybe today won't be so hot. I grabbed my glasses off my headboard and made my way down stairs. My mom was at work and my sister was playing video games in the basement. I opened the fridge and frowned with displeasure. Nothing to suit my appetite so I grabbed an apple and washed it in the sink.

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