Wow. The truth is really hidden. You can see someone every other day. And they can say your like a little sister and pretend to be your sisters best friend but really they are just full of evil. The thoughts im having about the hole thing could put me behind bars. I don't want to be a thirteen year old in jail but if beating the HELL out of her is the only way my sister and my family will feel a little better then I say lets do it. She's a peace of crap and will get what she deserve sooner then later. Smh. I cant believe this. Those stuck up, poor, fake, jealous girls deserve be hurt. And im talking ran over by cars or better yet trains. And I wouldn't care if they didn't make it. Ugh! I hate them. My sisters is a very strong women as well as my mom but to see my sister brake down like that let me know she was hurt. Hm. A girl that always come around the family and give you presents on your birthday and Christmas. Is the same one that had my sister in tears. I hear guns and sirens in my head. Rushing to come and see if these BITCHES are dead. But no we aren't that crazy. We didn't KILL then but trust me tryed. Hm. I wish I could wake up and this would be all a dream. Next thing I know my mom is waking me up saying get dressed. Wow. Hm. Im Happy to know that this really was a dream. And that my sister is ok. But I have dreams of the future so I know to be prepared for when or if this happens.