Hidden Away, A Fruit Basket Fan Fiction

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"Mew, you ready?" I asked my little sister. She nods and I check over her, making sure her hair was in place and uniform was ironed and fit her before I sent her out of the door, "Be safe!" I called, knowing how dangerous the world could be.

I locked the front door of our one bedroom apartment and jogged down the stairs and onto the road, spotting my sister in the distance I turned away from her and started towards my school. My brown hair was tucked under my beanie and I had my loose and over-sized hoodie over the school uniform - which was black trousers and a white shirt and tie, in other words, the male uniform.

I didn't care for sexism, a male and female should be able to wear what they want, I should be allowed to wear trousers and walk down the hall without being judge, but the fact that three years ago my parents passed away and I started habits because I had to take care of myself and my sister - or my aunt will take her away from me, so I decided I was going to take on jobs.

And as weird as it is, I started to wear trousers and a hoodie, my hair tucked into the black beanie that itched and everyone soon forgot about the female version of me and now they think i'm a male - which is extremely stupid for them. I mean, what eleven year old suddenly has a change in sex?

Other than that, my personality changed at school too, I am silent, not bothering with anyone else or to interact with any humanoid or even the teacher during the school hours - and after hours.

I don't have friends, people don't know me besides my name that they've changed Yumiko to Yumi and now i'm a male named Yumi Miyagi, lovely.

But yet I don't care, female of male, I am still me and I have to take care of my sister, or my aunt will take her away from me and leave me behind to defend for myself.

Arriving I sat in the back corner, crossing my legs out in front of me as I stared ahead with a dead look on my face, until Kyo Sohma looked over at me, "Hey, who's the guy in the back?"

Oh, anything I should have mention before, everyone seemed to ignore my presence or forget that I even exist.

"That's Yumi Miyagi, he's the quiet type"

Wow, they've even labeled me. Good for them.

"Hey, Yumi, why do you have such a girlie name?!" Kyo asks, rather loudly might I add and everyone stopped and looked at him as if he was crazy.

"Hello? Can you hear me-"

Yuki Sohma clocked his fist down onto Kyo's head and knocked Kyo to the ground, "Sorry for that Mr. Miyagi, my cousins an idiot-"

"I AM NOT AN IDIOT!" Kyo yells.

Really? You both think i'm  a male...

Not moving a muscle I waited for the day to end, knowing that I have a shift with my first job an hour after the bell rings... I hope Mew can put some bake beans on by herself, I did leave a note and direction on the fridge for her.


The bell rang and my work colleges and I bowed, "Welcome master" we all say ever-so sweetly. I was a maid, in an maid cafe. Yes I know, very Kaichou Wa Maid-Sama of me. But in all honesty, this was the only place that would hire an eleven year old - at the time of course, i'm fifteen now.

Guiding the two men to the table I pulled my smile to perfection and made my voice (that I hardly use at school) all sweet and sugary, "How can I help you today, Masters?"


"She is, and you are a beautiful ray of starlight Miss" Ayame smiles at me as he made his voice all 'attractive' and things.

"I'll have the special-"

"Me too" Ayame smiles at me as I nodded, letting my curled hair (it was curled by Hayumi, the owner) bounce in it's two piggy tails.

"Of course Masters, i'll get them as soon as possible" I gave them a big smile before I hurried back and gave Mario the order.

"Hey, Yumiko-chan"

"Yes Hayumi?"

"Do you think you can take tomorrow nights shift?"

"Uh... I think so" I nodded.

"Thank you Yumiko!" she hugs me before she skips out of the room.

Hello everyone, welcome to my life.

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