Chapter 1

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Kasey Mitchell,

"No...yes,but you said you would be home by Monday Kendrick... OK, I understand, yea there doing fine...OK...bye I love you too baby" That was my mother Kate on the phone with my father once again, he would say he'd be home on this day, then change to it to another day. But it was nothing I wasn't used to.

I looked at the clock it read -5:58-, in two minutes it would be time for me to get ready for school, deciding to just get up. I took me a shower, after I got out I put on my blue-skinny jean with rips, with my red oversized sweater with my brown and white quilt scarf, my brown boots. Brushing my curly hair into a decent bun, leaving a little strings out to the sides.

Phone? Check.

Lotion? Check.

Charger? Check.

Mac Lipstick? Check.

Money? Check.

Since I had everything I grabbed my bookbag and my car keys and headed downstairs.

"Good morning mama" I said reaching into the bowl of apple.

"Hey sweetie you look beautiful as usual, you know where you get that from right?" I chuckled at her goofiness, for her to be white, my mama is just like a black mama, has the shape, she even talks and cooks like one, even dress.

"Whatever mama, but ima bout to head out you need anything from the store when I'm coming back from school?"

"Oh! Yes yea, I'll text it to you just go on so you won't be rushing down that rode" nodding my head, I kissed her cheek and said I love you.

Closing the front door I went around to my black Jeep Wrangler. Getting and and tossing my things in the passenger seat I signed. Setting my phone on the phone hook, I put on my seat belt. Starting the car and proceeding out the driveway.

[Beep] New message from Dad. Say YES to read. Say No to close for later.

"Yes" Sorry, I didn't make it home like I said I would but have a great day at school Kas I love you sweetie.

Sighing I decided not to text him back yet, pulling up to McDonald I got me a Carmel frappé and made my way to school, pulling up to Baltimore High School I got out. Grabbing my bookbag ,my phone and my frappé.

"Kas?" I heard a familiar voice , turning around my eyes widen I saw my long lost boy bestfriend Chris.

"Ahhhhhhhh! Chris!" I said jumping on him he quickly caught me. He smiled that gorgeous smile I always loved.

"Where have you been my mama and dad been lookin for you? I missed you so much! Chris." I said still in his arms hugging him to death.

"I'll tell you if you get down" he said. Hopping off him, I fixed my clothes.

"Soo..." I motion for him to continue to tell me what happened to him. We began walking to the cafeteria for breakfast. He told me the reason why he left was because of his mama she said he was getting into a lot of trouble, and his graded wasn't the way he wanted them so she sent him to live with his uncle John for 6 months. Chris was cool peoples to be around I met him in m freshmen year, we hit it off real good. Chris was the star basketball player, baseball, football, track he was good at it all. He had scouts looking at him but, he had to have good grades.

"Why you never asked for my help?" I asked. He scrunched up his face.

"Why didn't ask you? Because you always either at basketball practice, or doing your chorus crap" Laughing I punch him in his arm.

"Chorus is not crap, and Chrisyou know I would make time to help a friend out"

"Yea yea, but you trying out for basketball this year?"


"Why not Kas you all they got nobody ball like you come on!" Smirking, I shook my head.

"Come on Kas for me" he said looking into my eyes.

Sighing I nodded.

"But! Under one condition"

"Lay it on me" he said smiling.

"You have to let me tutor you" his smile still bright. He nodded. We shook hands on it.

"What class you got next?" He asked.

"Crappy Ms.Grasden" laughing he shook his head.

"I'll catch up with you later"


~2 weeks later ~

"Stop Chris"

"Focus Chris"

"Give me the phone Chris"

That's what I've been saying these pass 30 minutes. Sighing in frustration, I got up and snatched the phone out of his hand.

"Aye don't play with me like that, give me my phone back Kas".

" Nobody's playing but your ass Chris when I'm trying to help you pull up your crappy grades"

"Don't cuss no more Kas you know I hate it" he hated cussing I really didn't know why, its very rare when he did though.

"OK, but still I'm trying to help you and your not making it any easier for me too, when your on your phone" I whined plopping down on the bed. Picking me up and sitting me on his lap, I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Sorry Kas"

"It's ok Chris I just really want you to get your grades up you know?, stop creeping around the bush cause at the end it will hurt you in the end" I said in a serious tone. We set in silence for a while, I guess he was thinking about what I said. All of sudden he started laughing.

"What are you laughing at Chris?" I said getting up off his lap and standing in front of him, with my arms crossed.

"I-im so sorry a Kas it's just that I've never seen you so serious"

"Well good to know, I think we can say the tutoring session is over, cause clearly what is on your phone is more important". I Said throwing his phone at him, and walking out of his room.

Grabbing my bookbag and my keys I opened the front door but for it to be slammed shut. we go.


Just the beginning of this book, I hope you enjoy it.


(Still looking for a cover ) 🙌🙋

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