The absolute truth

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Hello, fellow Christians, non Christians, Catholics, non Catholic ms; ect. My name is River. River isn't my actual name, but that's what people call me, and I'd like for you to call me that too:) I welcome everyone to this, no matter what your beliefs. I want to try to get as many comments on this as possible, cause I want to hear what you guys think and tell me whatever you want. Seriously, feel free to comment anything and I won't judge, I will just answer your question truthfully. I am a Christian. There, I just said that. I may have lost some readers right after I said that, but I needed to say it. Yes, I am a Christian. A lot of people hate Christianity. They think that we are crazy and that we need to be perfect. Well, I tell you this, Christians do not need to be perfect. I am far from perfect, I can tell you that! My life, is not perfect. My thoughts, are not perfect. My actions, are not perfect. I am not perfect. But God still loves me. Some people think that there lives are too messed up for God to love them, and they feel like they will never be good enough for Him. Please, don't think like that. God loves you no matter what. We were all born sinners. There is no possible way, that you could mess up your life so bad, that God won't love you. I'm just going to point out, that a sin is a sin. Some sins may look worse than others, but they aren't. 'SIN' is the same word as 'SIN'. There is no difference. In Gods eye, a lie is the same as a murder. You may think that a murder is so much worse than a lie, but it really isn't. So that kinda proves my point, that there is no way, your life could be to 'messed up' for God.

Back to the thing where Christians aren't perfect. For the past year and the beginning of this year, I was not being the way God wanted me to be. I was slipping away from God, and I thought that He would never want me back, so I stayed away from Him. My life, for the past couple of years, has been a piece of crap. My family, has been suffering so much. My dad hasn't been getting paid from his job, and so, we couldn't afford many things. We were on a very tight budget and it was really stressing everyone out. I have six siblings, two are out of the house though, and with that many people to provide for, and not getting money, it is really hard. So like I said, we were all getting very stressed out. My parents would get in quite a few arguments, and then us kids would get worried and scared and all of that. It wasn't the most fun. Then, we found out, that my mom has heart problems. I don't know all the details, but I know it wasn't good. She had to stay in the hospital for a while, and she still isn't doing very good, and with those heart problems, come a lot of medical bills. Since I wasn't really with the Lord the way I should have been, I took all of this very, very hard and I felt like I just wanted to give up and run away. I shed a lot of tears, during that time. I decided that I wanted to start writing, and so I got Wattpad. I started writing my thoughts and everything, and it kind of helped me clear my mind a little. I then, just recently, found some Christian stories and started reading them. After I read a few, my heart was changed. I stared following the Lord again. Let me just tell you this, I began realizing, that God is holding me and my family. He has us , and he won't let go. Despite all my sins, and turning away from God, he still forgave me. Even though, my family is going through all of this, I am as happy as I could ever be, because I know that God loves me and that He will protect me, and He will not let me fall. It is a million times easier with the Lord! I felt at peace, instead of, at war. I read this a few days ago; God won't put us in a situation that we can't handle. Yes, He will put us in scary situations, but He always has a purpose for it. I think God is putting my family through this, to make us stronger. I mean, look what it's done to me already! It brought me back to Him. I think God is also putting us through this, because He feels that we don't trust Him. Every time we complain, or we are scared, or worried, or frustrated, or angry, that shows no trust in Him. Yes, it is frustrating and scary, but we need to give the situation to God. Every time we take control, it will get worse. We need to completely give it to God. I have realized, that the situation I am in, is nothing compared to other people's. Instead of complaining, I need to rejoice. To the non believers out there, I just want to let you know, that God loves you, and forgives you for whatever sin you have done. God forgave me, He can forgive you too. You are His sons and daughters, He loves you, know matter what. I also want to say, that I love you too. God says to love who he loves, and he loves everyone.:)

Whatever you guys disagree on, comment and tell me. You are free to say whatever you want. And if you have anything that is bothering you, PM me, and I will pray for you<3 with the PMing, I don't want any conversations that don't involve this, I only want your prayer requests, or we can talk about something you are struggling with. Thank you:)

God loves you.

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