My Home Is In Your Heart

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"Just get the fuck out of my house you stupid fucking whore." Her drunken words slurred from her mouth. My eyes fill up with tears as I ran up the stairs to my room shutting the door behind me. I grab the suitcase that was placed under my bed, then opening my closet to grab as much clothes as possible, along with my dresser for extra bras, underwear, and socks. I zip it up to drag it off my bed walking back to my dresser to collect my phone, phone charger, and wallet that had no more than $15 in it. After that I walked out of my room heading back down the stairs. She was still hollering immature stuff at me. I just ignored it and walked straight out the front door for me to do exactly what she wanted. This isn't the first time my mom and I have fought, it always happens when she drinks. Which is all the time, there is not a day that goes by when she's not intoxicated. Sometimes it gets to the point where she throws things at me, or hits me. She's abused me verbally and physically for far to long and I'm sick of it. So I'm leaving.

I'm starting to walking into town from where I lived. I'm have 2 - 3 miles until I get into town. I don't have a car, so I can't drive to where ever I maybe going and I don't know anyone here, because we just moved here in New York about a year and a half ago from Florida. I don't have family up here, they all live in Florida and none of us talk because I come from a dysfunctional family. I can't even call my dad to come help me. He's off with his new wife and kids. I never made any friends in my new school during my Senior year of high school, so I have no where to run, no one to call to come pick me up to have me crash until I get my own place. So I'm stuck walking, and homeless. Which the walking part doesn't bother me it's just that it's dark, and really chilly.

And with my luck it just started down pouring. Now I have a problem.

About 40 minutes later I made it into town. I'm cold, it's still raining and I'm tired of walking but I have to find somewhere to stay at. I can't stay at a hotel because I only have 15 dollars, so i'm probably stuck sleeping in the park, or under a bridge. Right now though, i'm trying to find a open store so I can get a drink and a little snack i guess. About 10 minutes later it stopped raining and I got to a gas station that was open. I walked in there dripping wet. I walked over to the cashier and asked her if they had a bathroom I could use, the dark haired woman about in her 30's pointed in the direction where the bathrooms were. "Over there and take a right." I thanked the lady and headed quickly to the bathroom. When I was done I washed my hands and I looked into the mirror in front of me. I was grossed out with reflection staring back at me. I was wet, my hair and clothes were soaked. My suitcase was wet and some of the things inside were as well. Mostly damp, but still. I washed the smeared make up off my face and cleaned my face with a little drop of hand soap, then after that I went over to the hand drier and dried off some of the wet clothes in my suitcase, took off my wet clothes and placed them on top of the sink to change into something dry. I was wearing my black skinny jeans, and a Devil Wears Prada shirt. I placed my head under the drier and dried my hair a bit, grabbed my black Beanie and placed it on top of my messy hair. After I was done I checked my reflection again. Still tired looking, but not as gross. i zipped up everything back in my suitcase and grabbed my damp clothes from the sink and headed back out. I just grabbed a peace tea, I'm not to hungry and I need to try to save the bit of money I have. After the lady rang my drink out, I thanked her again and head back out to find me a place to stay. Just as soon as I made a it a couple blocks away it started to down pouring again, "Are you fucking kidding me?" I mumbled under my breath to myself. I just stood there upset that nothing was going right. "Could things get any worse for me-" A voice cut me off before I could finish my sentence to myself. "Hey, you need a ride?" I glanced over to see a car pulling up to the curb beside me. "Uh no- no thank you. I'm fine." I said nervously. "Yeah, I'm not buying that. Here get in." He said as he gets out of the driver seat. A gorgeous, tall man with medium brown hair that went a little passed his ears came walking towards me, he took his jacket off revealing his sleeve tattoos on his right arm and set it on my shoulders. "I'll grab your suitcase, get in the passenger seat." He said softly to me. "Thanks." I said, doing as I was told. I don't know what's gotten into me, taking a ride from some guy I don't even know, but for some reason I felt like I could trust him. And honestly i don't think anything could get much worse from here.

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