HiroMido: Promise

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He had never been the type to worry. That was never what he did. He was always happy, supportive, and optimistic, but how could he be now? It was over. He couldn't do it. His dream was gone.

Truthfully, that was an overstatement. He had just twisted his ankle during soccer practice, but with Coach Kudou's strict coaching style, being removed from the team for an injured ankle didn't seem to far-fetched.

He had neglected to tell anyone of his injury due to his fear of being removed from the team, or that was what he told himself. In actuality, Midorikawa, the former Gemini Storm captain and current Inazuma Japan midfielder, was why he hadn't told anyone. He knew that people on Inazuma Japan could keep secrets well, but he doubted that anyone could keep a secret involving him from the greenette. The boy had a talent for acquiring information when he wanted to. The things he wanted to know could be kept under lock and key twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, but that wouldn't stop the midfielder from obtaining it. He had also witnessed exactly how scary the smaller boy could be when aggravated. It was nothing he wanted to be involved in, but it was rather amusing to watch.

He winced when he was forced to put pressure on his ankle again. How could something so small hurt so much? He quickly smiled forcefully, attempting to forget the sudden jolt of pain. He walked to his room, thankful that no one had questioned him. 'Safe...'  He thought tiredly.


He whirled around quickly, but he instantly wished that he hadn't when pain flared up in his ankle. He hissed and bent down, carefully pressing his hands to the side of the injured appendage. He was so focused on his ankle that he didn't notice the presence of a green-haired boy kneeling in front of him, looking at his worriedly. 

The greenette carefully wrapped his hands around the redhead's ankle, rubbing it gently. Hiroto's head snapped up, and he found himself face to face with a green-haired midfielder. "M-Midorikawa?!"

The midfielder looked at him softly, "What did you do to yourself, Hiroto?"

"I-I just..." He couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence. How could he? He had lied and hidden an injury from his best friend. Midorikawa was still his best friend, but he couldn't bring himself to admit that he wanted to be more than friends with the greenette.

"You were just what?" The shorter boy looked skeptical. "Hiroto... You have to be more careful! What if you just hurt yourself even more?!"

The redhead looked down in shame, "I'm sorry... I just didn't want to worry you."

Midorikawa was surprised, "Worry me?"

"Yes..." He nodded, "you just mean so much to me, and I can't stand worrying you. You always get so stressed..."

"Silly Hiroto," Midorikawa laughed, "you should have just told me! Then I could have helped you earlier. Now, let's have a look at that ankle. You can't play soccer like this, and we can't have you breaking our promise, now can we?"

Hiroto smiled, "I guess not."

He allowed the greenette to pull him to his feet and support him the short distance to his room and bed. Once there, Midorikawa set about gathering medical supplies from a small first aid kit he apparently carried. 'When did he get that?'  

"This might hurt a bit..." His best friend warned him as he pulled off the redhead's shoe and sock. Hiroto hissed as his twisted ankle was disturbed yet again. Midorikawa then proceeded to prod the injured area lightly before he began wrapping it tightly in bandages. "Care to explain what you meant earlier?"

"Explain what I meant? What am I explaining?" Hiroto was confused by the other boy's strange question.

Midorikawa shrugged slightly as he continued his work, "You said that I mean so much to you that you would hide an injury just to make me happy."

"Oh. That," the redhead blushed slightly.

"Yeah, that. Now, care to explain?"

Hiroto looked down in embarrassment. "I'm not sure what I meant by that. I just said it."

"Really?" The greenette sighed, "I guess that it doesn't matter, then."

"What doesn't matter?" Hiroto was intrigued.

"Oh nothing. Just this." Midorikawa pressed his lips gently to Hiroto's. Hiroto instantly kissed back on instinct. They stayed like that for a few moments before breaking apart.

"W-what was that?" Hiroto blushed heavily.

Midorikawa looked just as surprised, "I-I'm sorry! I didn't know what I was thinking,doing that. Please forgive me!"

"Don't apologize, Mido. I didn't say that I didn't enjoy it," Hiroto told him.

"W-what do you mean, Hiroto?" The greenette asked him.

"Come here, and I'll show you, Ryu-chan!"


Mega: What did you think of this one-shot? Should I continue this into a series? Leave a comment to let me know!

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