A little trip

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Nico's P.O.V

I sighed inwardly as a certain son of Poseidon walked into view. I raised my eyebrows at him not really sure what he wanted.
After spending those 3 days at the infirmary Will set Nico on his merry way with a restriction of shadow traveling.
Percy sat down right in front of him, his head cocked slightly to one side, before I asked ,
"what do you want?"
My tone was sharp and annoyed as always and it was always infuriating when your ex-crush decided to look at you, ex or not they always stay in your heart.
" So.. I'm not your type?"
I rolled my eyes, how had he not gotten to the fact I was over him!
"Get it into your little kelp head, I'm over you, your.Not.My.Type!" I threw my hands up in exasperation and got up, knowing it was useless to hide.
Ever since Gaea had been defeated and Leo came back with Calypso everything seemed fine until the gods stopped their connection to us, Greek and Roman. Everyone hoped it meant the camps, and outside world would be safe, but knowing our luck it was probably only the eye of the storm. I made my way to my cabin and ignored Percy who still couldn't get over the fact I had once liked him. Please. I sat down on my bed and began to think what I could do this summer. The last couple of years had been so wild that the possibility of having a normal summer off made me giddy. Italy. The voice had come out of nowhere and had surprised me, to say the least. Go to Italy,take a break.. I looked around slightly baffled, because the voice was my mother's.  I got up numbly as if I wasn't in my body and began to pack my suitcase.swim suit, sunscreen,jeans,shirts,comfortable shoes, anything you would need on a vacation. But what about Chiron? I questioned myself, won't he care where I'm going? Somewhere inside me, I knew the answer. No,he will in fact give you the tickets and sure enough the centaur was at his door. When I opened it the old trainer gave me a small gem and a slip of paper then trotted of without any explanation. I sighed, this was weird but oh well.
The slip had instructions:
This is the transporter Rock it will take you anywhere you want without draining your energy like shadow traveling would. Simply state where you want to go and once the rock starts turning a shade of blue say" oh goddess of transportation bless this visit and take me across safely " you, any companion/s and your belongings will be transported to your destination, please don't overuse.
I looked at the Rock curiously and began walking to the pavilion for my last lunch at camp. Hazel looked at my suitcase with wide eyes as did the others but I ignored it and sat at my table. Annabeth came over, and asked, " where you going ghost King?" Her tone was kind, her stare calculating. She took the slip, from my hands and read it slowly she turned pale, as if she was scared. The others reached out everyone reading the instructions but where confused to what was going on. I couldn't help it no more, I took the paper from a surprised Percy before asking Annabeth," what is wrong with me getting a break?!" I knew she hadn't said anything, but I could tell she was going to tell me not to go.
" that rock, it's, ancient, magic, it's not Greek,nor Roman, or Norse, or Egyptian, it's older, older than earth itself, it's called, Markus Novum spectrum and is referred to as the tear of chaos" I rolled my eyes, " it's just a myth, and plus Hermes gave it to me, so.." Suddenly the rock began to glow, Hazel shook her head violently pleading for me not to go, but what was the big deal? I was going out to be a normal person for once and then suddenly everyone acts like its bad, and that I shouldn't do it. I closed my eyes and in my mind I pictured a summer home from my childhood, and everything around me went dark. I felt like I was floating for a couple of seconds before I fell mid float. I groaned  as I rubbed my elbow after bumping it and stood up. Woah, I was there, a small lake was on one side of a big house made of wood, a small forest on the backyard and the clear fresh air made it feel like a picture perfect moment, I sighed content, before a grin took over my features and I made way to the house with my suitcase trailing smoothly behind me. I opened the door with an old key that we always kept under a floor board and began to walk in. Everything was neat and organized, a sweet low humming sprung through the house like music. I walked in further closing the door, and leaded myself to my old room. Setting my stuff inside I quickly walked out not knowing what to actually do. I closed the door, humming along.. Humming my eyes widened, as I looked around, I saw someone had been here, or was.. Under a guest room door came light and as I approached it the humming got louder.
" who is there" I ask knocking, or more like pounding on the door. A shriek immersed from inside and the door opened. My mouth fell open.. No way...

AN:/ ... No idea were this will lead, please read, I think you will enjoy it, I will try to upload another chapter soon. Until the next update,  stay tuned!!!

Luv, supgal
Ps: please,please,PLEASE don't copy my story, I'm actually being creative, although I always am... There are a lot of spammers out there, please be careful. Now.. Goodbye, R&R ~supgal.

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